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[Issue] Gena Spline Spawner failing to spawn anything

Go to solution Solved by designleviathan,

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I've made a basic spawner with a collection of a few prefabs and am trying to spawn it along a Gena Spline.

When I click Spawn or Iterate it flashes for a second but nothing actually spawns or appears along the spline.

I tossed on a road component and that displays just fine along the spline. Nothing is in the console and nothing is reported when I click spawn / iterate.

I don't think I've made anything particularly complex here. Is there something I should know about with Spawners & Splines thats not in the documentation? Or is this a bug?

Thank you!

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  • Solution

So it turns out it was the settings in the base spawner.

I can't tell which to be honest which I'm gonna comment on in a moment but turning on 'Force Spawn' helps well force it to spawn but only if the 'gena spawn target' is on the spline.

If you offset the position (example by -5 on the x axis) this will also break spawning.

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As a small request to anyone from PW who reads this:

After spending several hours trying to figure out the cause I determined it was because of some errant spawner settings.

As a much needed QOL - would it be possible to get some sort of simple debug messages when nothing is spawned - as to why that is?

E.G: just a simple line in the console that only appears if sub-threshold instances are spawned.

"Nothing was spawned. <Height Rules> prevent spawning at current height tolerances"

This would be a incredible boon for newcomers and experienced people moving fast alike as currently the behaviour (Nothing happens) is quite opaque and ultimately is frustrating to troubleshoot.


Thanks for your time in reading if you have - stay safe out there.

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  • 1 year later...

Agreed ive been dealing with my spawner issue for a good 3 hours for the big environment pack i got it to spawn once but still no luck spawning a castle 

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On 6/29/2023 at 5:18 PM, zrottmann said:

Agreed ive been dealing with my spawner issue for a good 3 hours for the big environment pack i got it to spawn once but still no luck spawning a castle 

Can you try to enable force spawn in the spawning criteria? 
Does this spawn the castle? 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 4/26/2022 at 2:43 PM, designleviathan said:

So it turns out it was the settings in the base spawner.

I can't tell which to be honest which I'm gonna comment on in a moment but turning on 'Force Spawn' helps well force it to spawn but only if the 'gena spawn target' is on the spline.

If you offset the position (example by -5 on the x axis) this will also break spawning.

Hi there,


Got into exactly the same problem. My spawner does not spawn the defined prefabs. I got it spawned once at the height of 300 meters above my terrain. Other 1000+ attempts to spawn do nothing with a brief red blink once I press "spawn". I was using the very same spawner on the Gena Pro splines some time ago with ZERO issues. Force Spawn does nothing. What is the setting causing this mess?

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27 minutes ago, carc said:

Hi there,


Got into exactly the same problem. My spawner does not spawn the defined prefabs. I got it spawned once at the height of 300 meters above my terrain. Other 1000+ attempts to spawn do nothing with a brief red blink once I press "spawn". I was using the very same spawner on the Gena Pro splines some time ago with ZERO issues. Force Spawn does nothing. What is the setting causing this mess?

SOLUTION (in my case) - go to your Spawner > Spawn Criteria > Ground Layer and set the proper Layer for the surface you need to be spawning on. Also, make sure you are not spawning inside any huge collider with the same layer (was Default in my case formerly), for you will end up like myself - spawning 300+m above the surface I needed to spawn on.

Hail to Gena & Gaia Pro and its authors!💓

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