FAQFrequently asked questions and answers.
How Canopy works.Canopy is FREE to all users. Sign up, browse our Forums and Library, and post questions to get support.If you are an existing customer and want your free downloads then sign up, and then contact us with your invoice number.If you are a subscriber, then you will automatically get access to the benefits associated with your subscription level.If you have more questions you the please contact us.Why would I choose a subscription over an outright purchase?Outright purchases are subject to an annual upgrade fee, subscriptions are always up to date.Subscriptions offer far more content and are far cheaper than outright purchases.Professional and Studio subscriptions get early access to new tools and content updates on a regular basis.Professional and Studio subscriptions enable you to suggest and then vote for what we make next.Studio subscriptions also offer ticketed and one on one priority support.What’s included in the different subscriptions?To learn about the benefits of the subscription system please take a look at our Offer page.To see what subscription levels are available and choose the right one for you then please go to the Subscriptions page.How do I access my subscriptions assets?Assets can be downloaded, unzipped and then imported into Unity just like any other .unitypackage. You import them into Unity by dragging then into your project hierarchy, and then use as usual. Asset downloads are only available to subscribers, with the exception of a select number of free products.What happens if I cancel my subscription?We offer cost effective access to our assets and support on an honor system, and we expect you to keep your subscription going from month to month. However, we also appreciate that things change and sometimes you need to cancel. You can always re-subscribe at any time.If you do cancel your subscription then you can continue to use the assets you have downloaded, however you will no longer get updates or support.Please NOTE: There are NO Refunds for cancellation.Can other people use my Canopy assets?No they can not. The license offered here is one license per seat. Every person in a project that uses our assets must also have the same subscription level. The exception to this rule is the Studio subscription. Studio subscriptions are designed for studios and teams, and only one subscription is required.Can Studio's get the Pro Subscription?We classify a Studio as any entity that turns over more than $150,000 USD per annum, or has had more than $150,000 USD invested into it. If your organization falls into this category then you need a Studio Subscription instead of a Professional Subscription.Studio's that want custom tools, environments, or support agreements are welcome to contact us to negotiate something separately than what has been offered here.