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Gai Pro 2021, Water is completely Opaque when see through Fire( Visual FX). why?


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Hi, my scene i made looks good but why the ocean/water goes through the fire completely opaque.  I dont mean i put a fire in the water. The fire is in the beach sand area( Gai terrain) but when my player camera looks through it  and the     water i s across...the water is completely opaque. it ignores the  fire.

Is there fix for this? Here's a quick picture i made in Windows 10 paint because i don't have Unity open.   PS I use Unity HDRP project 2021.1.28f


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2 hours ago, goodGraphicGuy said:

Hi, my scene i made looks good but why the ocean/water goes through the fire completely opaque.  I dont mean i put a fire in the water. The fire is in the beach sand area( Gai terrain) but when my player camera looks through it  and the     water i s across...the water is completely opaque. it ignores the  fire.

Is there fix for this? Here's a quick picture i made in Windows 10 paint because i don't have Unity open.   PS I use Unity HDRP project 2021.1.28f


I want to make sure but this would be a layer / rendering order thats causing this. 

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On 3/19/2022 at 1:55 AM, goodGraphicGuy said:

INtersting, how would you fix that?

You would need to check the layers on the camera, and the rendering que. 
Both of these would be attached to the camera. 

You would also want to check the fire itself (the particles) and make sure that the layers are correct there as well. 

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