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Gena Pro - Map Builder Question

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I have benn playing around with map builder, and so far it is very cool. My question , i want to start building villages that can be used in map builder. I was wonder how the roads know how to connect too the villages.  Do I create a spline in the village, and when i ask map builder to find roads. it knows where and how to connect to the roads in the village. I hope i am making sence, i can see it in my head, but sometimes i find it hard to express in words.

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  • Solution

@DKnight, the roads that connect the villages use the Path Finding feature of GeNa Splines. There are parameters that you can adjust within the map builder inspector which will be used with the Path Finding.
It is possible to adjust the terrain using the Unity Terrain tools or Gaia and GeNa to create areas for map builder to "find" and for the Path Finding to follow along (like removing spikes/hills in an area you would like the towns and roads to be placed on).

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