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Grass textures when running my game disappear


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Hi, pretty much what the title says, the weird thing is they were working at one point, and they also seem to work every now and then and then disappear again. If I load another tile,(and the grass is working) all the grass disappears again. I am using nature renderer, but I obviously tried with it off, still the same outcome.  



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So I got a little more information. Turns out my detail density and distance on terrains gets overwritten to 0 every time I run my game. Not sure what would be causing that... 


Also, sometimes it spawns the unity details, and if I switch to another window and come back, its gone... I've tried clearing and respawning, same thing

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I see you are on Unity v2020, incase you have Gaia 2021, then you should use unity v2021. (make sure to use latest version 2021.2.12 of unity, as they have fixed an HDRP shader bug there, affecting gras). This could fix you issue. If you have Gaia Pro (without 2021), then please ignore this message.

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Honestly, I have had nothing but issues with gaia. Bugs, crashes, quirkiness. I'm honestly done with it. There are lots of options out there for way cheaper. I fight this thing more than I make things in it.

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Wait, i edited my message- maybe you saw the old version of my first answer, but i then saw youre on unity 2020. You should check atleast this as last option as it could solve your issues. Cheers

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I'm not using HDRP which makes it even worse. You think it would just work using URP and an LTS unity version. I'm just annoyed with it. Like I created a terrain, and when I click view full terrain or whatever, it hangs and I have to kill unity from the task manager. Then magically after 4! crashes, the button just worked, exact same terrain. 2 steps forward 1 step backwards always with this thing. It's tiring 

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I had similiar issues as i first used GaiaPro2021 with Unity2020,
it felt like everything was bugging, starting already at scene setup.
After switching to unity 2021, everything works fine (i use HDRP),
except for 2 problems where i opened forum threads for.

So if you have "Gaia Pro", unity 2020 is the version to go with,
and for "GaiaPro 2021", you should be using unity 2021.
(this is atleast what i figured, devs may correct me if i am wrong).



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2019.3 - 2020.3 you can use Gaia Pro 
2020.3 - tbd you would use with Gaia Pro 2021. 

Usually the latest LTS versions are the best to use. 
Anytime I look for a Unity version to use look up the Known issues for that version. 
Each time they put out a new Unity version you can see this information. 

Personally I run into normal Unity issues all the time. That seems like its coming from Gaia but sadly its not ( so much so that it will show gaia in the error but its a unity process). 

The best thing is to look at the editor log and see what caused the issue. 
Clear your Unity cache often, save and restart the editor often as well. 

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for clarification!

I also want to report back incase the issue still exists,
i had a similiar problem where the gras was invisible at runtime.

Unfortunately i can't provide screenshots as this issue is 2 or 3 weeks back, but i remember i went inside the grass spawner and there was a reference to gras material or prfab. Opening that material or prefab (i cant remember what exactly it was) i saw that there where texture references missing, so i assigned those back. From what you wrote, it seems you have that issue that i described above.

Note, this is different from the issue https://canopy.procedural-worlds.com/forums/topic/466-bug-grass-shaders-randomly-break-shader-turns-pink-unity-2021212f-solved/#comment-2263 where shaders where corrupted.


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