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Load distance of Alpine Meadow grasses and flowers

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Hey, silly question perhaps but I can't find the setting to define the distance that the grass and flowers spawn from the player. In my set up it is too close so the spawning is easily seen. Id like it to be further away. 

Any help gratefully received. Thanks

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  • Solution

If you are using Gaia Pro 2021 you have a few options: 
1. Go to window - procedural worlds - flora - flora manager. 
Here you can set the detail distance. 

2. For global affect you can go into play mode and for windows press F11 to enter photo mode: 

Notice the far distance doesnt have grass. 
Press F11 and go to Landscape Settings and change the Global Grass Distance: 

You can also do a ton of other cool stuff here as well like Lighting, Fog, etc. 
Just make sure you click on the settings and change reset when closed to disabled. 
Load Last Settings to Enabled. 

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