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Working with large real maps and multiple terrains


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Hi there,

I'm trying to recreate a real-world map using Gaia and GENA.

So my plan was as follows:

  1. Use the Real World Terrain plugin as it was a fast way to get the height map and stamp.
  2. Use Gaia to generate most of the vegetation and rocks procedurally. Use Image Mask to spawn correct vegetation, and in Photoshop, I can manually (or select by colour) create masks.
  3. Use GENA for manual road creation (different types of roads), rivers, and for placing some houses.

I mainly managed to do it. But my initial terrain was one large terrain. I'm using an actual image as a texture to adjust things. I noticed that my generated terrain was too small (spawned road, car, and the forest was at least twice bigger). So I increased it and set it to use 2x2 terrain. Then I started to have the issues shown in the image below. Gaia did not split up a texture to be put correctly on terrain.

My question would be, what is the easiest and best solution to recreate the real world? I want to use an actual satellite image as base terrain texture (for the reference).

Here are some details how large this area is (but I would want even a bit bigger than this one later on):


And few more images how it looks like in the editor.



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Hi Maleric,

We do have a real-world terrain system in the works, but it is not ready for release yet, and we have no timeline for this yet. You can contact us privately if you would like to know more as we can explore making it available on a commercial basis.

It seems like you would need to split your base map images up and assign them to each terrain tile individually.

Warm regards,

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Thank you Adam for the response.

Related to the issue with the texture. I got it. I also figured it out. I created four separated spawners within one biome controller. I placed them on different terrains and just spawned Locally. That works too. The only negative point is that I cannot save it to file and load it again (it repositions spawners differently and doesn't spawn locally).


I made some progress on it. Since I'm already using the Real World Terrain plugin that downloads and uses an osm file, I implemented simple GENA road generation. I group them by the value of the highway tag.

Automating buildings, the forest, grass and everything else would be lovely, but, for most less known places, there is not much data on it, and it requires a lot of manual adjustments. But I was already aware of it.

The biggest issue for me now is that if I generate that big terrain using Gaia, it's a bit too complex. I might be able to lower the resolution quality of the terrain. However, in a few places, I want the road and river to be carved correctly. But some areas of the map are empty with a single road and big fields of vineyards and grass.

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I used something for the importing real world terrains into Unity and Gaia. 
I dont know if this will help you but it might check this out: 

Hopefully this helps you in some way. 
You might be able to use this and then lay your texture over it if you can find the same area. 
Please let me know if this helps. 


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