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Multiple issues getting started.

Alejandro Anguizola
Go to solution Solved by Bryan,

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Just wanted to share multiple issues I ran into, haven't found them on the forum or in known issues. 
I am using Unity 2021.3.4f1 LTS and GeNA Pro 3318. I wasn't able to follow the steps in the Quickstart guide encountering multiple hurdles in the first few minutes of the video. 

First Issue
I created a terrain like the one shown in the video, without a spawned biome. When creating a new palette and adding a tree I get an error: 
"You must have an active terrain that also has trees defined in order to add tree resources.


I created a tree but was unsure how to set the terrain as an active terrain. I feel like this is something worth adding tot he workflow explanation if its something new. I got around this by creating generating a biome and deleting the trees. 

Second Issue
I decided to keep going with the quickstart guide, around 3:05 there is an undo option that I don't have. I have discard changes or save changes, but they are disabled. 


Third Issue:

At 3:50 in the video there is a functionality where if you hold down shift and move the mouse around the scene, the green circle of spheres follow the cursor. As I try doing this the green circle stays still on my last shift clicked location. - Just went back to this to try to replicate, still have the same issue, with the added problem that the green spheres are flickering.

Fourth Issue:

Since I didn't have the demo assets I decided to create my own prefab for spawning, a cube to represent the houses, with smaller rectangles as fences and a capsule. It was working fine, but when I added the Ge Na Transfrom decorator and re-ingested it, the prefab would spawn without any mesh renderers (even though the prefab has them). 

Possible Fifth issue:
Not sure if this one is an issue or not, but did see the red circle highlighted as an issue on another post. I have a red circle when adding grass to the spawner.


NGL, a bit frustrated. Don't know how many of these issues are Unity Version issues, or things I might be overseeing on my part. 

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  • Solution
On 6/4/2022 at 11:51 AM, Alejandro Anguizola said:

I created a tree but was unsure how to set the terrain as an active terrain. I feel like this is something worth adding tot he workflow explanation if its something new. I got around this by creating generating a biome and deleting the trees.

What this is saying is that you need to have a terrain in your scene, and you need to have a tree attached to the terrain tree in the terrain inspector. What that button does (add tree) is selects a tree from the terrain and adds it to the spawner. Otherwise, you can just drag a tree prefab in the box next to it. 



On 6/4/2022 at 11:51 AM, Alejandro Anguizola said:

Second Issue
I decided to keep going with the quickstart guide, around 3:05 there is an undo option that I don't have. I have discard changes or save changes, but they are disabled. 

That's correct, these options are no longer there. As we have mentioned that we are just using Unity's Standard Undo system. For windows its CTRL + Z. 


On 6/4/2022 at 11:51 AM, Alejandro Anguizola said:

At 3:50 in the video there is a functionality where if you hold down shift and move the mouse around the scene, the green circle of spheres follow the cursor. As I try doing this the green circle stays still on my last shift clicked location. - Just went back to this to try to replicate, still have the same issue, with the added problem that the green spheres are flickering.

This was a performance issue, you just need to find your target and still do the same thing. Hold Shift and Left Click. 


On 6/4/2022 at 11:51 AM, Alejandro Anguizola said:

Fourth Issue:

Since I didn't have the demo assets I decided to create my own prefab for spawning, a cube to represent the houses, with smaller rectangles as fences and a capsule. It was working fine, but when I added the Ge Na Transfrom decorator and re-ingested it, the prefab would spawn without any mesh renderers (even though the prefab has them). 

This I will look into. 


On 6/4/2022 at 11:51 AM, Alejandro Anguizola said:

Possible Fifth issue:
Not sure if this one is an issue or not, but did see the red circle highlighted as an issue on another post. I have a red circle when adding grass to the spawner.

I will look at this as well. 

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