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Best Practices for Post-Gaia biome


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Is there a good process for adding spawned items after you've spawned a biome? I made a small island and got the roads, houses, etc in the places I liked, let gaia do its thing, but then decided I'd like to add more. How do I add spawned items once this has happened? It seems splines especially don't like to spawn if there's Gaia biome stuff now on it. Thanks.

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On 4/29/2022 at 11:24 AM, Fordtimelord said:

Is there a good process for adding spawned items after you've spawned a biome? I made a small island and got the roads, houses, etc in the places I liked, let gaia do its thing, but then decided I'd like to add more. How do I add spawned items once this has happened? It seems splines especially don't like to spawn if there's Gaia biome stuff now on it. Thanks.

You could add a collider mask to your spawner and avoid the objects that were spawned with GeNa. 
Also the spawner type can be set to add and what I typically do is add a distance mask to the spawner to control the area of which I am spawning. Then spawn again. 

This is probably the best way. 


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