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5+ terrain layers

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Hi. There is a known issue in Unity 2021 < 2021.2 with memory leaks when using 5+ terrain layers.
I encountered this issue when messing around on an empty terrain, adding the layers by hand. However, when spawning 8 terrain layers from Gaia textures spawner, there is no error. I'm wondering - how did you do that? 

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Hi @oskarkogut, I could imagine that this issue is caused somewhere in the terrain inspector itself maybe. We did not do anything special to circumvent this bug, what happens in the Gaia code roughly is: Upon Spawning / Terrain Creation Gaia checks if the texture it intends to spawn is already on the terrain in a layer, if not a new layer asset is being created in the project hierarchy, then all required layers are assigned to the terrain from code. I assume that whatever triggers this bug is bypassed by this somehow.

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