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Errors after changing lighting profile and completely dark scene at play time

Ugur Tuna
Go to solution Solved by Ugur Tuna,

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  Hi, I was using gaia for months and there wasn't any problem for a long time. I just changed lighting profile and got errors and my scene started to become completely dark when I hit the play button at unity. It doesn't fix after I exit from the play mode. ( If I restart the unity it fixes but problem reoccurs when I press play button again )


1) Initialize had a issue Object reference not set to an instance of an object This came from   at Gaia.ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.Initialize () [0x0012a] in C:\Users\HP\Desktop\Yedek\Yeni klasör\V15\Assets\Procedural Worlds\Gaia\Gaia Pro\Weather\VFX\Scripts\ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.cs:1962 
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Gaia.ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather:Initialize () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Gaia Pro/Weather/VFX/Scripts/ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.cs:2116)
Gaia.ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather:OnEnable () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Gaia Pro/Weather/VFX/Scripts/ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.cs:1776)

2) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Gaia.InteriorWeatherController.Setup () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Gaia Pro/Weather/VFX/Scripts/InteriorWeatherController.cs:233)
Gaia.InteriorWeatherController.OnEnable () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Gaia Pro/Weather/VFX/Scripts/InteriorWeatherController.cs:112)

3) Initialize had a issue Object reference not set to an instance of an object This came from   at Gaia.ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.Initialize () [0x0012a] in C:\Users\HP\Desktop\Yedek\Yeni klasör\V15\Assets\Procedural Worlds\Gaia\Gaia Pro\Weather\VFX\Scripts\ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.cs:1962 
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Gaia.ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather:Initialize () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Gaia Pro/Weather/VFX/Scripts/ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.cs:2116)
Gaia.ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather:Start () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Gaia Pro/Weather/VFX/Scripts/ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.cs:1764)

4) Set snow vfx had a issue Do not create your own module instances, get them from a ParticleSystem instance This came from   at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.ParticleSystem+EmissionModule.set_rateOverTime_Injected(UnityEngine.ParticleSystem/EmissionModule&,UnityEngine.ParticleSystem/MinMaxCurve&)
  at UnityEngine.ParticleSystem+EmissionModule.set_rateOverTime (UnityEngine.ParticleSystem+MinMaxCurve value) [0x00000] in <50fb0851389d483bad476aa05ecca5f4>:0 
  at Gaia.ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.SetSnowVFX (System.Boolean enabling, UnityEngine.ParticleSystem+EmissionModule particleSystem1, UnityEngine.ParticleSystem+EmissionModule particleSystemEmission1, System.Boolean instantStartStop) [0x000f2] in C:\Users\HP\Desktop\Yedek\Yeni klasör\V15\Assets\Procedural Worlds\Gaia\Gaia Pro\Weather\VFX\Scripts\ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.cs:5011 
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Gaia.ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather:SetSnowVFX (bool,UnityEngine.ParticleSystem/EmissionModule,UnityEngine.ParticleSystem/EmissionModule,bool) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Gaia Pro/Weather/VFX/Scripts/ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.cs:5095)
Gaia.ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather:EnableSnowSystem () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Gaia Pro/Weather/VFX/Scripts/ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.cs:3775)
Gaia.ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather:UpdateWeatherSystem () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Gaia Pro/Weather/VFX/Scripts/ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.cs:3202)
Gaia.ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather:LateUpdate () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Gaia Pro/Weather/VFX/Scripts/ProceduralWorldsGlobalWeather.cs:1884)


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I have deleted gaia runtime and recreated from manager. Actually, I felt bad because I didn't try this obvius solution before posting here this is why I didn't post the solution. @Bryan

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11 hours ago, Ugur Tuna said:

I have deleted gaia runtime and recreated from manager. Actually, I felt bad because I didn't try this obvius solution before posting here this is why I didn't post the solution. @Bryan

Ah that old trick, hehe. 
Glad its fixed. 

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@Ugur Tuna Thank you for finding this error, it was related to missing Audio Reverb Filter component i have attached a patch file that will fix this error showing up again in the future.

Just un-zip the unitypackage file and then import into your project.


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