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URP, Camera stacking not supported ?

Go to solution Solved by TakeruGrima,

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here are some screenshots showing the problem i'm facing with GAIA. when i spawned my player that is using Camera Stacking, the camera render is fully broken, it's only happening when using GAIA with the terrain from GAIA, spacer.png

Here is a screenshot when i desactivate the overlay camera.spacer.png
then i reactivate itspacer.pngHere is a screenshot of the controller view on my Test Gameplay Scene with everything working as intended with camera stacking, spacer.png

If anyone can answer me why the camera stacking is not working with gaia ?
and if it's supposed to be suported then how to fix it if i did something wrong (i think i haven't but who knows)



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9 hours ago, Tarmack said:


here are some screenshots showing the problem i'm facing with GAIA. when i spawned my player that is using Camera Stacking, the camera render is fully broken, it's only happening when using GAIA with the terrain from GAIA, spacer.png

Here is a screenshot when i desactivate the overlay camera.spacer.png
then i reactivate itspacer.pngHere is a screenshot of the controller view on my Test Gameplay Scene with everything working as intended with camera stacking, spacer.png

If anyone can answer me why the camera stacking is not working with gaia ?
and if it's supposed to be suported then how to fix it if i did something wrong (i think i haven't but who knows)



I have just made a test: 

I did run into issues myself but sadly it was self inflicted. 
One thing I would check is layering, one thing that I noticed is its very touchy with the rendering and priority. 
Make sure that the main camera Culling Mask is set to everything. 

From the pictures your overlay camera is upside down and below the terrain. 
If you have any volumes make sure the priority is set to something like 5. 


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@Bryan as we are making an FPS game where we don't want the first camera to be able to see our main character, i don't want to set the culling mask of the main camera to everything, and the Second camera is only here to render the player view so it doesn't clip through walls etc.. 

That's the whole points why we use camera stacking.

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7 hours ago, Tarmack said:

@Bryan as we are making an FPS game where we don't want the first camera to be able to see our main character, i don't want to set the culling mask of the main camera to everything, and the Second camera is only here to render the player view so it doesn't clip through walls etc.. 

That's the whole points why we use camera stacking.

I was able to do it will all of the players: 
First person Camera, Third Person Camera, and Custom. 

Everything else above still applies. 
I had the issue of the camera overlays culling layers was not set correctly. Which can throw the entire thing off the main base camera. 

Also this view here: 

This camera is below the terrain and upside down. Which might be a part of the problem. 

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  • 3 weeks later...


I tried some things to fix this issue. 

  • Change the camera to culling everything give the result in the preview box "ClientCamera"


  • Try to set some gaia GameObject inactive in the scene. I did it with Gaia Water and it gives this result :spacer.png

So I think something in this GameObject cause some issues with the camera stack. I found that it needs a reference of the camera transform.

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  • 1 month later...


Something in the Gaia Planar Reflections seems to cause the issue, when I disable it the camera render the scene how it should but with no water... the same thing happen if I disable the First Person Camera under ClientCamera.

Do you have an idea what would cause this issue in this script ?

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  • Solution
9 minutes ago, TakeruGrima said:


Something in the Gaia Planar Reflections seems to cause the issue, when I disable it the camera render the scene how it should but with no water... the same thing happen if I disable the First Person Camera under ClientCamera.

Do you have an idea what would cause this issue in this script ?

Just found out that it is link to Skybox Reflection, I turned on the debug mode in Unity to view the script parameters and check "Disable Skybox Reflections" and it render correctly.

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  • 11 months later...
On 5/2/2022 at 4:54 PM, TakeruGrima said:

Just found out that it is link to Skybox Reflection, I turned on the debug mode in Unity to view the script parameters and check "Disable Skybox Reflections" and it render correctly.

When you say this, did you turn of the script called "Gaia Planar Reflections" or is there somewhere else you disabled it? because disabling the "Gaia Planar Reflections" allowed for my stacked camera rendering to start working.

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