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Events not saving with Ambient Sound Manager


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I am using the Ambient Sounds package in my Unity 3D project and when I make changes to the sound manager the changes always get reverted back to what they were when I opened the project even if I save the project. Does any know what may be causing this issue? My specific issue is that I have multiple custom events and sequences that are being called with code depending on the time of day the player has chosen and the weather that is selected. The code works fine and its doing what its supposed to, however I have to recreate the events in the event tab of the sound manager every time I open the project. It is only the sound manager that's doing this as everything else in the project is saving with unity.

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@TDenney I had a look to reproduce the issue, but it seems I was not able to, for me newly added events "survive" the closing and re-opening of unity. Could you please detail a bit more about how you create those events? I checked how the event data is being saved, and rather than storing this whole information somewhere, the Ambient Sounds Manager window collects this information from the Sequences and Modifiers in the project that use that Event. (e.g. if a modifier in the project hierarchy gets a new Event added that is called "Event A" that event will appear in the Ambient Sounds Manager window, but there is no dedicated "Event list" stored somewhere).
If you e.g. dynamically create modifiers with events from code, I could imagine that they might not be picked up by the ambient sounds manager window automatically without some sort of refresh call for it to read in the event information again.

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