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Gaia Pro Multi Terrain & Atavism


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I have figured out how to get the atavism characters to run around on a multi terrain enviroment. It is still very rough, so use at your own risk.


Modify Character prefabs in the resources directory: 

Add TerrainLoader Script, Floating Point Fix ( I have this disabled, as it is causing some issues )


Create a new script, and call it Wait for Terrain.

using Atavism;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class WaitForTerrain : MonoBehaviour
    private AtavismMecanimMobController3D _controller;

    private void OnEnable()
        _controller = GetComponent<AtavismMecanimMobController3D>();
        _controller.enabled = false;

    private void FixedUpdate()
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, new Vector3(0, -1, 0), out hit, 10))
            if (_controller != null)
                _controller.enabled = true;

This script disables the AtavismMecanimMobController3D component, so that the character does not move. There is a field in that module that prevents characters from moving, but does not have a public property.  In the fixedUpdate, i cast a ray down to see if I hit anything. I figure this will cover both terrains and Game Objects that have colliders. And will  turn on AtavismMecanimMobController3D component if it hits something. I use the distance 10m figure that should hit 99.99% of the cases. I think if the player flying, they should be on a mount. but you never know.


I tried to use the Gaia Pro script, but it appears that the character is spawned in the character selection scene, before the main world is loaded. I have not tested this script for switching scenes like dungeons, etc.



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