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Getting Shader Errors on Latest Gaia Pro 2021

Go to solution Solved by mkoala,

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Hello, while following the tutorials, I'm getting shader errors when setting up Gaia Pro 2021. This is the latest version (3.2.0) which I got from the download page (https://canopy.procedural-worlds.com/files/file/2-gaia-pro-2021/). I can generate terrains with it though so I'm not sure if this is actually an issue but I figured that I'll post it here anyway so the developers can look at it. It doesn't look like there's anything wrong with the generated output but I'm not sure.

Here is the error from console:


Shader error in 'Hidden/TerrainTools/Noise/NoiseBlit/NoiseBlitFbm': Couldn't open include file '../NoiseLib/Fbm/Billow.hlsl'. at line 81
Shader error in 'Hidden/TerrainTools/Noise/NoiseBlit/NoiseBlitFbm': Couldn't open include file '../NoiseLib/Fbm/Billow.hlsl'. at line 109
Shader error in 'Hidden/TerrainTools/Noise/NoiseBlit/NoiseBlitFbm': Couldn't open include file '../NoiseLib//Fbm/Perlin.hlsl'. at line 160
Shader error in 'Hidden/TerrainTools/Noise/NoiseBlit/NoiseBlitFbm': Couldn't open include file '../NoiseLib//Fbm/Perlin.hlsl'. at line 188
Shader error in 'Hidden/TerrainTools/Noise/NoiseBlit/NoiseBlitFbm': Couldn't open include file '../NoiseLib//Fbm/Ridge.hlsl'. at line 239
Shader error in 'Hidden/TerrainTools/Noise/NoiseBlit/NoiseBlitFbm': Couldn't open include file '../NoiseLib//Fbm/Ridge.hlsl'. at line 267
Shader error in 'Hidden/TerrainTools/Noise/NoiseBlit/NoiseBlitFbm': Couldn't open include file '../NoiseLib//Fbm/Value.hlsl'. at line 318
Shader error in 'Hidden/TerrainTools/Noise/NoiseBlit/NoiseBlitFbm': Couldn't open include file '../NoiseLib//Fbm/Value.hlsl'. at line 346
Shader error in 'Hidden/TerrainTools/Noise/NoiseBlit/NoiseBlitFbm': Couldn't open include file '../NoiseLib//Fbm/Voronoi.hlsl'. at line 397
Shader error in 'Hidden/TerrainTools/Noise/NoiseBlit/NoiseBlitFbm': Couldn't open include file '../NoiseLib//Fbm/Voronoi.hlsl'. at line 425

I've also attached an image of the errors. There are also warnings on the console.


Relevant information:

Platform: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

Unity Version: 2021.2.11f1

Product: Gaia Pro 2021 version 3.2.0

Project Template: This is a blank 3D URP project from Unity Hub for Unity 2021.2.11f1. Only Gaia Pro 2021 is imported as a package.


Edited by mkoala
Added tag for Gaia version
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  • Solution

I fixed the issue.

  1. Open the NoiseBlitFBM shader located in Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Shaders/Unity/Terrain Tools/Generated/NoiseBlitFBM.shader.
  2. Replace all includes from "../NoiseLib/Fbm" and "../NoiseLib//Fbm" to "../NoiseLib/FBM". Note the capital letters.

From my previous post on whether it affects anything, this DOES affect Gaia 2021 Pro, the previews on World Designer won't work with this error. I noticed this when I followed the "Intro To World Designer" tutorial and saw that the video had his previews updating while I did not.

Pretty easy fix too. Wish I opened the shader file earlier. I was initially hesitant touching this file since I don't know anything about shaders. Hopefully in the next release this gets patched up. Looking at the top of the file, it looks like this shader is automatically generated, so I'm guessing there is an issue with the generator?

Edited by mkoala
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Hi @mkoala Thanks for posting the solution to make it available for all the users. The shader was automatically generated at some point, but the result should be static now as it is - it looks like this is an issue with case sensitive paths in linux. We should be able to exchange all the paths with your suggested changes, then it should work for both windows and linux users.

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Hello, @Peter. Turns out I missed some errors and noticed them when I imported the newest version 3.2.1 of Gaia 2021 Pro (You can actually see the error from the image on my first post). The shader file NoiseFillFbm also contains the wrong import paths. I'm surprised this error didn't pop up while I was testing things out and only appeared when I reimported the package.

The fix is the same:

- Update all "../NoiseLib/Fbm/..." into "../NoiseLib/FBM/..." with capital letters for FBM.

I checked the other generated files and fortunately, there were no errors. But I did notice that some import paths having double slashes like "../NoiseLib//None/Perlin.hlsl" on the other files but they work fine so I left them alone.

I've attached the error images below for reference. Although there are other shader errors from Flora, I've checked them one by one and there weren't any compiler errors so I'm guessing it's just Unity going crazy. Probably as a result on failing to compile the Gaia shaders or something.

Anyways, i think that's pretty much it. I'll post again here if I find any more errors.

error 1.png

error 2.png

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Flora "PW_Details_Zprime" shader uses absolute paths instead of relative paths causing errors when moving the Procedural Worlds folder. The file is located in "Assets/Procedural Worlds/Flora/Content Resources/Shaders/PW_Details_Zprime.shader". I usually tidy up 3rd packages into a Packages folder to keep my workspace clean.

To fix:

  1. Change all include occurrences of "Assets/Procedural Worlds/Flora/Content Resources/Shaders/PW_FloraIncludes.hlsl" to just "PW_FloraIncludes.hlsl"
  2. Change all include occurrences of "Assets/Procedural Worlds/Flora/Content Resources/Shaders/PW_FloraWInd.cginc" to just "PW_FloraWInd.cginc"
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