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How do I rotate road and or extrusion to be perpendicular to Ground


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I am developing a High-Speed racing game. For players to navigate turns without having to get significantly good at controlling, I am trying to rotate parts of a spline so that it will curve upwards and be perpendicular to the road during the turn. I can't find a way to do this and wondered if I could get help.

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I have realized that I also need to do more than just rotation, I may end up coding a quick spline extension that creates two side by side splines and links them using geometry kind of like the extrusion tool but replacing the graph with actual splines. It'll give me more control over the actual shape but I would still like to know if I can rotate individual spline segments in the mean time.

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As an update, I was coding my custom spline extension for roads and there is a node property called "Roll" for spline nodes, I am able to set it in code and it rotates the spline nodes but I can't quite figure out how to do it in the editor. You can't use the rotate tool so I will need to see if there is a way I can make a custom gizmo for editing roll or at least it would be nice if someone on here could answer this question and let me know how to edit roll in the editor without using code.

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Another update: I implemented a rotation handle in the editor for each node so you can rotate the Z axis of any spline including roads and extrusions (I haven't tried it on the rivers) and it modifies the roll and saves it. So now I can have really wavy/curvy roads for my racing game. I wish I could have had some help with this instead of having to code it myself—kind of disappointing. I was wondering if am I allowed to upload my version of the editor script to GitHub so others who have this tool can use the rotation? I assume not. Please let me know.

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If you posted in the GeNa forum, you would be more likely to get an answer. I will move this post.


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  • 6 months later...

I apologize for taking so long to respond as I've been attending university. I will have to open the project up and share the script on GitHub when I get a chance. 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi I've just bought GeNa and realised it does not allow this functionality - I'd be super gratefull if you could share your script if possible 🙂 

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