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How to export my Gaia scene to another Unity project without including Gaia?


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I am sure someone had to have this question before, but I can't seem to find the answer.


What is the procedure to export a terrain/scene (including assets) to another project?


TLDR: I want to have a Unity project where I have Gaia and Gaia related tools installed and being able to export my scenes to different projects (without exporting or including Gaia itself). How do I do this?


This is what I've tried so far and the "issues" I encountered with them. (I'm gonna be listing the size of the export for a small sample terrain as a way to compare one to another)


1- Select the terrain in Hierarchy and then Assets->Select Dependencies->Uncheck include dependencies and then Export Package (~450Mb)



 - This successfully exported my terrain, including assets

 - Acceptable size 

 - Acceptable exporting time



- Water, however, was not properly exported (pink water)

- Right off the bat Unity finds compilation errors. This opens up a can of worms if you (I) try to follow them and fix them yourself, at least, myself... (had 5 errors in one file because of a deprecated dependency, fixed them and that opened over 100 compilation errors elsewhere, lol)



2- Export Package (terrain) including ALL dependencies (~4.5Gb)



 - Your terrain is fully exported and working in the new project (including water)



 - It takes forever

 - It takes a LOT of disk space

 - It exports Gaia as well


3- Any of the conversion tools Found in the Gaia Manager



- Small size

- Exports really quick



- Doesn't properly export a ready-go terrain


4 - Moving Projects & Moving Gaia - Advanced - Canopy - Procedural Worlds (procedural-worlds.com)



- Quick

- Small size



- Doesn't properly export a ready-go terrain


I am completely sure I am missing something obvious but after trying several things I can't seem to be able to export my scene.


The workflow I have for tools like this is:

- Have a one-tool exclusive unity project where I create something with said tool and export the result to be used in any of my games projects


I don't think I am the only one that does this so I'm surprised that I can't find how to implement this workflow with Gaia. 


What are the steps to achieve this?


Thanks in advance,



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On 11/29/2022 at 3:52 AM, NoSkillzDad said:

1- Select the terrain in Hierarchy and then Assets->Select Dependencies->Uncheck include dependencies and then Export Package (~450Mb)



 - This successfully exported my terrain, including assets

 - Acceptable size 

 - Acceptable exporting time



- Water, however, was not properly exported (pink water)

- Right off the bat Unity finds compilation errors. This opens up a can of worms if you (I) try to follow them and fix them yourself, at least, myself... (had 5 errors in one file because of a deprecated dependency, fixed them and that opened over 100 compilation errors elsewhere, lol)

Lets examine your cons: 
1. Water is pink. 
This is to be expected as the water is from the Gaia water system. 
You would need to replace the water with another asset. 

2. I am not sure about the error's they could be complaining about trying to use some of the Gaia systems and because Gaia is not in there its complaining. 


On 11/29/2022 at 3:52 AM, NoSkillzDad said:

2- Export Package (terrain) including ALL dependencies (~4.5Gb)



 - Your terrain is fully exported and working in the new project (including water)



 - It takes forever

 - It takes a LOT of disk space

 - It exports Gaia as well

I would not be going this option as this is what your trying to avoid. 


On 11/29/2022 at 3:52 AM, NoSkillzDad said:


- Small size

- Exports really quick



- Doesn't properly export a ready-go terrain

This would be correct as its not going to transfer over the terrain layers etc. 
You would still need to do this. 

Same thing for number 4. 

Hope this helps. 


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The first one you did is the way to do it. 
Just remember that you cant use any gaia systems, including; 
Water, Lighting, Post Processing, Character, Weather, etc.
The only thing you would bring over is the terrain data, terrain layers, textures, vegetation prefabs - Meshes - materials, grass textures, etc. 


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