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Gaia 2 - Errors when attempting to create a POI from items in the scene

Go to solution Solved by Peter,

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Hey team, I am attempting to add a POI to a spawner. I've opened up the resource manager, dragged in the setup objects and it spits out an error that they aren't a prefab or a game object.

The items were arranged in a prefab and then unpacked completely.


I can resolve it by manually adding items from the project view.
And by adding stuff from the project view into the scene to arrange.
But I'd like to be able to move these arrangements of things between projects or use them as is without the spawner.


It consistently gives this error if I unpack a prefab into it's pieces.


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Hi @Timps, I looked at this and the description on the drag and drop box is misleading / wrong: The game objects you drag on there still need to be prefabs. You can either drag in single prefabs from the scene hierarchy or the project hierarchy, or an arrangement of GameObjects (that ALL need to be prefabs) from the scene hierarchy.
So a better description would be "Please drag one or multiple prefabs onto this box", we will address this in a future update.
When dragging in multiple prefabs in one go, it will preserve all the distances between the prefabs which allows for the spawning of more complex POIs assembled out of multiple prefabs (This is how the village / house spawners are made in the biomes that come with Gaia). This should allow you to run this spawner in a different project if the same prefabs are present over there as well.

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6 hours ago, Peter said:

 The game objects you drag on there still need to be prefabs.

Ahh I see. The one thing I didn't test was that part.
Unpacking prefabs completely was what killed me.
Amazing, thanks Peter. 
Off to make more POIs now!

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