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Ridgey terrain

Russ Menapace
Go to solution Solved by Russ Menapace,

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I'm new to Gaia (non-pro), and have been experimenting with it for the past few days.  Today all of my terrains started having these ridges... They persist even if you make a new scene.  Anybody know what I might hav done to make this happen?




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World Designer, but it happens with all the stamps too.


If I start a new scene






and hit Create World Designer, I get this:




Hitting Generate World Gets me this:



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This looks like for some reason your resolution is wrong here. 
I would take a look at your terrain resolution.

Just for note as well: 
Image makes a big difference. All JPG's and most PNG files are only 8 bits per channel. When this gets converted to a stamp this means that you can only represent 256 possible height values, and the resulting stamp may appear terraced. You can address this by smoothing the terrain after stamping, but if possible use 16 bit textures as the resulting stamp will of better quality. RAW16 is better texture format to use.

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yeah web gl is very interesting and complicated. 
There is a lot of parts that must be followed in order for it to work correctly. 
Sadly, I dont remember who but I was watching some tutorials on Youtube regarding it. 


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