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grass and other

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When the sector is applied, the grass disappears. Is this a known issue? Or was there already a forum topic for it? If so, I apologize in advance. Thank you very much in advance for the answers!

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Can you please tell me if you are using Flora? 
If could be because it turns the terrain into its own unique chunk which you may need to go to the Flora Manager. 
Then click Remove flora from scene, and then add its again to grab all the updated terrain info regarding Sectr. 

If this is not flora, than please check to see if Draw Instance is enabled on the terrain and spawn your biome again if you are using Gaia. 

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Yes, this also happened due to my own carelessness, but the answer is completely correct, the biom-draw instance was enabled, but first I applied the sector without the grass and flowers (previously details), and afterwards after dividing the sector I placed the flower on the field and grass.

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