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January requests


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I have seen PW in the realistic space and in the Low Poly space but I have not seen much in the Stylized space which is my favorite style (because I suck as an artist and whatever I make i can just say well..... its stylized).   I think one of the hottest art assets on the store right now is Suntail - Stylized Fantasy Village from the maker of Azure Nature.  I sure would not mind a Gena integration or even Gaia integration with those assets.  I know that packs are not as large as the synty fantasy or nature ones but I think they can hold their own.  I am not sure if it is a roadblock or not but currently HDRP is not supported in their assets.  

Suntail Fantasy Village

Azure Nature

Edited by Keith.Brown
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Ah those are some of my favorite stylized, i think they'd make great GeNa/Gaia integrations. Well for HDRP with the Polygon Nature pack from Synty we added HDRP support and we'd probably do the same with these packs if we do these next.

Thank you for the suggestion 🙂

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3D Forge Village exteriors please. Ideally semi-automated towns and villages with along the roads (yeah, I know that is beyond the scope of these kinds of requests, but I can dream and I can follow up later for an extension to a base spawner pack, right?). Naturally you need to include all the blueprints too 😉

Edited by Sorra the Orc
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21 minutes ago, Sorra the Orc said:

3D Forge Village exteriors please. Ideally semi-automated towns and villages with along the roads (yeah, I know that is beyond the scope of these kinds of requests, but I can dream and I can follow up later for an extension to a base spawner pack, right?). Naturally you need to include all the blueprints too 😉

This one is subject to the wishes of our good friend @Blacksmith

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Game Creator 2 integration... 2 of us used it for the jam so you know it's what all the cool kids are using these days 😜

Get some instructions in there for control of the weather system and runtime gena stuff.


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On 12/19/2021 at 11:28 PM, Keith.Brown said:

I have seen PW in the realistic space and in the Low Poly space but I have not seen much in the Stylized space which is my favorite style (because I suck as an artist and whatever I make i can just say well..... its stylized).   I think one of the hottest art assets on the store right now is Suntail - Stylized Fantasy Village from the maker of Azure Nature.  I sure would not mind a Gena integration or even Gaia integration with those assets.  I know that packs are not as large as the synty fantasy or nature ones but I think they can hold their own.  I am not sure if it is a roadblock or not but currently HDRP is not supported in their assets.  

Suntail Fantasy Village

Azure Nature

Obviously its much nicer to have someone else do the work... especially people who know what theyre doing 😄 But don't forget you can do this stuff yourself too, so with smaller packs like Azure it might be faster to DiY and save out a package. Of course Azure has other issues the team might improve (like HDRP) but just pointing out you _can_ save out your own spawners and stuff... which is probably a video, or should be.


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Underwater corals/foliage - One place I feel needs more attention in Gaia are the oceans. You've probably walked (or swam) into the water, and were wondering, where's all the underwater life? It could be placed manually, but wouldn't it be cool if it generated as a new biome? My suggestion is to add coral, underwater plants like kelp and seaweed, seashells, and rocks with barnacles. Maybe even shipwrecks!

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Deep sea - Imagine you had a project about studying ocean life. Your goal was to explore the ocean, and eventually find out what could be going on at the bottom of the ocean. You ride in a submarine, and dive down. You find out that in these incredibly harsh conditions, life does exist here. You find bioluminescent particles from tiny organisms, similar to seeing fireflies produce light. You find hydrothermal vents that shoot out bubbles, deep sea corals, and even deadly brine pools. You also find bones from a dead whale. These ideas were brought to me by Blue Planet II, and I think they would be a really cool addition to having ocean life. Another suggestion would be to filter the light depending on the depth of the character, like sunlit zone, twilight zone, and midnight zone.

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Dallol - This is an area in Ethiopia, that has green acid ponds and a very alien like terrain and coloration. This could fit for an alien planet, or a difficult level where you avoid/jump over the acid. This kind of environment could be game changing in many ways, like for example, the player is exploring a meadow, and they suddenly come across this crazy area. They would probably be thinking, what the heck is this? They might explore it, and if they do, it is full of sulfur and salt, which could be used to craft gunpowder, or other items. Others might find this environment and be like, maybe next time. But that's what I like about exploring. You don't know what you'll find!



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From the Open Requests forum DKnight posted the following. I am making it an official request as this is something I would dearly love to see. I think I first asked for it about 3 years ago. I think the tools are there to be able to do it now. Of course not sure if it will fit the scope but, at least on the surface, it's simple to do...

"I would like to have the ability to create a new blank mask, and while in the editor. I can move around the map, and when I find a spot that I think would make a good place for a village. I can paint on the terrain and it would show up on the mask. This mask later could be used with Gaia spawners to spawn buildings in. I know gena pro couls preform this task, but i find this to be a manual process. An ingame application for this, is that I could record all the location I would like POI's to spawn. And when the game starts, it spawn random POI's controlled by the mask."

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I have many ideas for game ready levels, and I have a couple questions:

Can I submit a level idea that involves using paid environment assets on the unity asset store? Like if I wanted a desert environment with desert buildings on the asset store, for example.

If so, can I submit a level idea that involves using a deprecated environment asset?

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7 minutes ago, camyoshi said:

I have many ideas for game ready levels, and I have a couple questions:

Can I submit a level idea that involves using paid environment assets on the unity asset store? Like if I wanted a desert environment with desert buildings on the asset store, for example.

If so, can I submit a level idea that involves using a deprecated environment asset?

Yes of course, feel free to suggest any game ready levels with any assets try keep the paid assets down to 1 pack unless maybe the packs are from the same publisher. 

We'd love to make game ready levels with lots of different assets but just means users will have to buy those packs to use the levels.

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Sounds good! Here's my first game ready level idea:

A realistic spooky environment using the Horror House asset (by Art Equilibrium). In this level, I would like the environment to have an unsettling feeling to it, with a dark atmosphere. The environment would have dead trees, fog, bones, and other props scattered around in the level. And of course, an abandoned house with an interior, as seen in the Horror House asset.

I would love to have cobwebs, (the ones made by Dmitriy Dryzhak) as I think they would make the environment more spooky. But I understand if that's not possible.

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44 minutes ago, camyoshi said:

Sounds good! Here's my first game ready level idea:

A realistic spooky environment using the Horror House asset (by Art Equilibrium). In this level, I would like the environment to have an unsettling feeling to it, with a dark atmosphere. The environment would have dead trees, fog, bones, and other props scattered around in the level. And of course, an abandoned house with an interior, as seen in the Horror House asset.

I would love to have cobwebs, (the ones made by Dmitriy Dryzhak) as I think they would make the environment more spooky. But I understand if that's not possible.

Ah yeah i know that asset, yeah would look quite nice. Can sure make a few levels out of it, they would probably not be too large levels given the limitations of the assets. So could be something we could make somewhat quickly 🙂

Thanks for the suggestion.

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I'd LOVE to see even more stuff in the stamps.
Lunar surface stamps for some general crater filled terrain.

And even some big craters to use to mark out an impact. So we can use Gaia to create some non Earth surfaces.

And stamp wise, maybe a tool enhancement: slopes and paths to bridge areas of different heights.
Some stamps for paths connecting two surfaces.
Meandering ones, little S bends, straight paths, switchbacks etc.

I use path creator, or blend by hand. But one of the most common things people ask me for help with is laying out those paths or blending the edges of something.
Having some stamps for a gentle slope covered in bumps, or a path between two different heights.

And a way for someone to click and say "path starts at this height" and "path ends at this height" and a stamp can be used anywhere as a range between those two.
The same tool/idea would apply to slopes and blends. You could stamp, carve and sculpt the terrain as you see fit. And then just grab a "slope stamp" to take off the hard edges and blend together.

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18 minutes ago, Timps said:

And even some big craters to use to mark out an impact. So we can use Gaia to create some non Earth surfaces.

I will make some today / tomorrow 🙂

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18 minutes ago, Timps said:

And stamp wise, maybe a tool enhancement: slopes and paths to bridge areas of different heights.

GeNa Pro will do this for you right now. Use a spline and the carve tool. Add in a little noise to make it more organic.

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Assembly Definitions are *critical* for anyone wanting to use Gaia in a modern production environment. Please Please Please add assembly definitions to all PW products. It is currently impossible to create UPM packages that leverage PW products because of the absence of them. Of course I can add my own locally, but when it comes to sharing code this becomes a real barrier to adoption.

I'm about to set about creating a minimum set of definitions locally fo Gaia (and maybe GeNa) to unblock my work. When done I will share them here to give the team a start,

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