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Flora custom assets

Paul R
Go to solution Solved by Isaac,

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Hello, I've got a question about Flora. I've noticed it uses its own mesh to generate the details based on the given grass textures. But can I actually use my own grass prefabs instead? The problem is the spawned Flora objects have a Default layer, which in my case is a huge NO-GO because I need them to use a specific layer that my other camera uses. Also, can I use Flora outside of Gaia as long as I have objects spawned by GeNa (but not spawned as Details, just game objects, because as I said, I don't want to generate them based on the texture, but I want to use my own prefabs instead because of the Layers problem) on unity terrains? Or do the objects used by Flora need some specific settings?


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Hi @Paul R

Unfortunately Flora does not support custom layers yet. We are working on a new update however that should have this feature included. To get objects to be spawned outside of terrain data such as hand placed prefabs / spawned prefab locations, this would need transform list support, which we also plan on including in an upcoming update, but is not currently supported. 

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7 hours ago, Isaac said:

Hi @Paul R

Unfortunately Flora does not support custom layers yet. We are working on a new update however that should have this feature included. To get objects to be spawned outside of terrain data such as hand placed prefabs / spawned prefab locations, this would need transform list support, which we also plan on including in an upcoming update, but is not currently supported. 

Awww that's a bummer 😕 May I ask for ETA of that update's release, so I could decide if I should rather wait or just find another, temporary solution?


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