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Multi tiles world


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Hello, i was wondering how it would be handle properly when a game has multi tiles and as the player moves towards a New terrain in a tile a New scene is loaded.

The problem is that when a scene is unloaded and there were objects with rigidbody as Stones, enemies snd all sort of game objects, they fallen through the terrain.


How could this be avoided. I can think of a script dissabling gravity in the objects from the unloaded terrain, but how would you recomend to do it?

Thank you

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Hi @Gustavo, a script is indeed the way to solve it, please take a look at the script "RigidBodyWaitForTerrainLoad.cs" that comes with Gaia - it does just that, you can attach it to objects where the rigidbody needs to be disabled until the terrain is loaded in underneath. The script is described briefly as well in the documentation for Terrain Loading in Gaia, please see here under "preventing the player from falling through the terrain":


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Thank you! I will check the code.

Nevertheless, i think this should have been solved in gaia or sectr. If not how you avoid to fall in all the game objects that have rigidbodies?

I mean you go to a different sector or terrain and then come back to previous terrain or sector and all the game objects dissapear?? 

Thank for your help!

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Surely the object gave colliders, but if there is no terrain to collide, the object will certsinly fall.

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Thats true, but it depends on how far the object is going. 
Neighbor loader should have the surrounding terrains loaded in so moving from one terrain to the next should be fine. 

I could see that you need to write a script to save position, and when the terrain loads in load that object back in for dynamic objects. More than likely this would be the case. 


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