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Billboard Grass Spawner not have a Spawn Percent Probability so how do we keep it from having so much flowers?


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Hi, I'm using the Coniferous Forest Grass Spawner and i also borrow it for my own biomes cause i like the grass and flowers but

there are sooooo many flowers packed everywhere. Even if i set the Flower density to 1, nothing changes. It's packed with flowers as you can see in the image i  put up.

Is there a way i can less the amount of flowers or the amount of anything of Grass spawners(billboard)....because billboards don't have a Spawn Probability like other things have, so how do i control the amount?




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Hello @goodGraphicGuy, the issue is most likely that during runtime Flora becomes active, which is the terrain detail rendering system in Gaia which has its own density settings.  Could you please perform the steps described under "Tuning your Flora setup during runtime" from this article?

(all the way at the bottom) You should be able to identify the flowers you want less of, and can reduce their density in the flora settings. While you are at it you can also tune other aspects of the vegetation items, e.g. coloring of the grass, etc. The settings you make there will persist after runtime as well and will also "survive" if you run the grass spawner again.

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