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How to spawn prefabs rotated in random but defined angle segments?

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Hi there!

I am spawning prefabs, which need to be placed in random rotation, but that rotation needs to only be allowed in 90 degree segments. So I have, say, 10 sewer models on the road on a straight spline and I need each of them being randomly rotated with 90 degrees definitzion. So, the first one would be rotated at 0 degrees, the second one at 270, the next one at 90 etc etc. Thanks for any tips in advance!

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  • Solution

Hi @carc, you can use the "One Child of" decorator to create a prefab that will spawn one of those rotations for you. To do so, create a prefab that has 4 instances of the sewer model as childs with the preferred rotation, and use the "One Child of" component at the root, like so:


Make sure "Destroy after spawn" and "Unpack Prefab" are checked. If you then ingest this prefab for spawning in GeNa, you will get a random 90° direction each time. Make sure to deactivate the rotation of the GeNa Spawner itself though, else it will be applied additionally to the "fixed" rotation from the prefab.



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