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Tablet/mobile build lighting questions


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I have a small terrain in a URP project made with Gaia and GTS and I'm not sure how to deal with lighting. There's a single light (the sun) and for now it will be in a static location.

The trees move in the wind (all converted to use The Vegetation Engine's shaders) and there's a river (using RAM 2019) that is reflective and translucent with fish swimming in it.

The player will be in a static location but can look around.

I had GTS convert my terrain to meshes.

Do I generate light and reflection probes then bake the lighting? If I bake it then won't the tree shadows be static?

Can mostly recent tablets like an iPad handle real-time lighting and shadows from a single light?

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On 9/1/2023 at 7:53 PM, ccfoo242 said:

Do I generate light and reflection probes then bake the lighting? If I bake it then won't the tree shadows be static?


Yes, you make those first before baking. 
You may need to check the trees themselves. 



On 9/1/2023 at 7:53 PM, ccfoo242 said:

Can mostly recent tablets like an iPad handle real-time lighting and shadows from a single light?

Not sure as I have not developed for Apple. 

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