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White highlight or outline or glow at edges of river, where river meets terrain


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I see some screenshots of GeNa rivers on this forum that do not have this white outline at the sides of the river, but I cannot seem to figure out how to get rid of it. Which setting(s) control this effect? It is rather jarring.



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Hi @neurodr0me, can you please try to select the material on the river mesh? There you will find more technical settings for the river shader that are not exposed in the profile. The white outline looks like the foam settings for me, especially the "Foam Shore Blend" should control it.

Please try to adjust these settings, you can adjust it more to your liking, or turn the alpha on the color to 0 to make it invisible entirely:


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Oh cool. Sorry but where is this setting? I clicked the River mesh, its material is called "GeNa_FlowRiver_LitBasic_URP"

This material doesn't have the settings you're showing me, nor the same presentation 🤔

I appear to have the latest version of GeNa Pro, 3.5.3

Here's what I see. It's all scrambled up and shore blend is nowhere to be found


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Ah, looks like you assumed I was using built-in--I see foamBlend on that version of the shader...

Does anyone even use built-in anymore? 😅

Since the effect is still clearly visible, I am puzzled as to why the setting is absent.

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I was able to edit the shader graph and expose shoreblend, cranking that to 2.5 seemed to do the trick.



Is there a particular reason why that value was not exposed on the URP version by default? That is to say, should I be worried about some problem arising as a result of forcing this? 🤔

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Weird thing going on here, the value I assign to shoreblend is being lost when I enter/exit play mode. It's returning to the default value.

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On 8/9/2023 at 4:54 AM, neurodr0me said:

Is there a particular reason why that value was not exposed on the URP version by default? That is to say, should I be worried about some problem arising as a result of forcing this? 🤔

I would need to check with the team, I know that when the river shaders were created there was a lot of issues with individual features being different in each render pipeline so that the UI was different for each pipeline, this could just be an oversight. If it works, there should be no problem coming out of that.


On 8/9/2023 at 8:11 AM, neurodr0me said:

Weird thing going on here, the value I assign to shoreblend is being lost when I enter/exit play mode. It's returning to the default value.

I think while the river is not baked yet, it will re-apply the river profile when the scene starts / stops. It is a bit inconvenient, but can you please try to bake the river mesh, then apply the value in the material? The spline editor should then not overwrite the value in the material anymore.

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