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Stop import for a big operations!


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I think that when Gaia uses editing a lot of file one after another - there shold be using of Batching. But I have a question and do not expect answer.




Someone know why after using batching importing still continues? I made custom script that uploads scene, executes chosen spawners, saves and unloads for a multiple terrains one after another. Any idea make it faster? 


using Gaia;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

public class AutogenerationControlBiome : MonoBehaviour
    public bool BiomeLogging = false;
    public bool CheckMeToStartSpawns = false;

    [SerializeField] [TextArea] string IgnoreTerrains = string.Empty;
    [SerializeField] bool DoTerrainsFromList = false;
    [SerializeField] [TextArea] string DoTerrains = string.Empty;
    [SerializeField] bool DoTerrainsFromRectangle = false;
    [SerializeField] Vector2Int RectangleBottomLeftCoord = Vector2Int.zero;
    [SerializeField] Vector2Int RectangleSize = Vector2Int.one;

    [SerializeField] List<BiomeController> BiomeList;
    [SerializeField] List<Spawner> Spawners;
    [SerializeField] int TerrainsSize = 256;
    [SerializeField] Vector2Int OriginOffset = new Vector2Int(80, 80);
    UnityEvent<Vector2Int> SpawnEndEvent = new UnityEvent<Vector2Int>();

    List<Vector2Int> ignoreTerrainsCoords = new List<Vector2Int>();
    List<Vector2Int> doTerrainsCoords     = new List<Vector2Int>();
    public List<Vector2Int> alreadyCreatedCoords = new List<Vector2Int>();

    private static readonly string PATH_SCENES_FOLDER = "Assets/Gaia User Data/Sessions/GS-20220527 - 155930/Terrain Scenes/";

    private Scene currentTerrainScene;
    private DateTime startTerrainTime;

    Vector2Int curTerrainInWork;
    void Update()

        if (CheckMeToStartSpawns)
            CheckMeToStartSpawns = false;

    void InitScriptEssentialsData()


        ignoreTerrainsCoords = GetTerrains(IgnoreTerrains);
        doTerrainsCoords = GetTerrains(DoTerrains);

    IEnumerator SpawnBiomesOnLocal(Vector2Int currentCoords) //TODO possible change to task for parallel computing 
        startTerrainTime = DateTime.Now;
        Debug.Log($"Start spawn biomes on land {currentCoords.x}_{currentCoords.y} at {startTerrainTime}");
        Spawners[0].OnSpawnFinished += OnSpawnersEnd; 
        foreach (var spawner in Spawners)

            if (spawner == null)
        curTerrainInWork = currentCoords;

            BoundsDouble spawnArea = new BoundsDouble(new Vector3((currentCoords.x - OriginOffset.x)*TerrainsSize + TerrainsSize / 2, 0, (currentCoords.y - OriginOffset.y) * TerrainsSize + TerrainsSize / 2), Vector3.one*TerrainsSize);

        Spawners[0].m_updateCoroutine = Spawners[0].AreaSpawn(Spawners, spawnArea);
        yield return null;
    void OnSpawnersEnd()
        Spawners[0].OnSpawnFinished -= OnSpawnersEnd;


        double spentTime = Math.Round((DateTime.Now - startTerrainTime).TotalMinutes, 2);
        Debug.Log($"Spawn ended on {curTerrainInWork.x}_{curTerrainInWork.y}. Spent time: {spentTime}.");

    /// <summary>
    /// Main cycle iteration. Start and end of cycle.
    /// </summary>
    void TrySpawnNextTerrain()
        var nextCoord = GetNextCoordToSpawn();

        if (nextCoord.HasValue)
            Debug.Log("Spawn ended!");

            string finalSpawnedList = string.Empty;

            foreach(var coord in alreadyCreatedCoords)
                finalSpawnedList += $"{coord.x}_{coord.y};";
            if (finalSpawnedList.Length > 0)
                Debug.Log("Final list of spawnded is: " + finalSpawnedList);


    /// <summary>
    /// Move camera to position and start use spawners at terrain
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="coords"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    IEnumerator SpawnBiomeAtCoords(Vector2Int coords) //TODO call OnGUI in this block and load terrains not by camera. Gives opportunity to parallel computing
        Vector3 camPosition = TerrainToWorldCoords(coords);
        SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.pivot = camPosition;
        currentTerrainScene = LoadScene(coords.x, coords.y);
        yield return null;


    Vector3 TerrainToWorldCoords(Vector2Int coords) => new Vector3((coords.x - OriginOffset.x) * TerrainsSize + TerrainsSize/2, 100, (coords.y - OriginOffset.y) * TerrainsSize + TerrainsSize / 2);
    /// <summary>
    /// Check each possible coord to spawn if it was spawned and is not ignored. If nothing left - returns null.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    Vector2Int? GetNextCoordToSpawn()
            foreach(var terrainCoord in doTerrainsCoords)
                if(!alreadyCreatedCoords.Contains(terrainCoord) && !ignoreTerrainsCoords.Contains(terrainCoord))
                    return terrainCoord;
            for (int y = 0; y < RectangleSize.y; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < RectangleSize.x; x++)
                    var coord = new Vector2Int(x, y) + RectangleBottomLeftCoord;
                    if (!alreadyCreatedCoords.Contains(coord) && !ignoreTerrainsCoords.Contains(coord))
                        return coord;
        return null;

    private List<Vector2Int> GetTerrains(string importString)
        List<Vector2Int> result = new List<Vector2Int>();
        if (importString.Length == 0) return result;
        string[] terrainPos = importString.Split(';');
        foreach (var s in terrainPos)
            string[] coords = s.Split('_');
            result.Add(new Vector2Int(int.Parse(coords[0]), int.Parse(coords[1])));
        return result;

    private static Scene LoadScene(int sceneNameX, int sceneNameY)
        //middle terrain (0,0) is 20_20

        string sceneName = $"Terrain_{sceneNameX}_{sceneNameY}-20220527 - 160015.unity";
        return EditorSceneManager.OpenScene(PATH_SCENES_FOLDER + sceneName, OpenSceneMode.Additive);

    private static void UnloadScene(Scene openedScene)
        //middle terrain (0,0) is 20_20
        EditorSceneManager.CloseScene(openedScene, true);

    public void StopGeneration()
        DoTerrainsFromList = false;
        DoTerrainsFromRectangle = false;


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