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Gaia Custom Stamp Folders


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I was wondering if it's possible or it's been considered to have Gaia check subfolders within the user stamps folder for heightmaps, possibly using those for further categorization. I grabbed some custom stamp sets on the asset store recently, non-gaia-specific, and it seems the folder structure for all of them was NAME/SUBNAME/STAMPS/HEIGHTMAPS,BRUSHES,ETC. So I ended up with 6 folders called "heightmaps" in my Gaia stamps folder. Simple enough to rename them I guess, but is that the best way? Thanks for any thoughts.

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Better yet, can Gaia just discover suitable stamps wherever they are. It could do this in a couple of ways... 1) use the standard Terrain Tools Brush scriptable object to discover them (pro: only one setup needed, con: not all brushes should be Gaia stamps) 2) provide its own Scriptable Object (pro: stamps could come with recommended settings for things such as masks for stamping and texturing). 

At the very least allow users to point at additional folders to scan. It seems odd to force users to use a specific folder structure.

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