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Conceptual question - Can Spawners spawn terrain?

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I'm just trying to wrap my head around the most practical structure of Spawner hierarchies here so I can begin setting up what I envision as villages, so I'm asking if my understanding is correct: I have noticed that in all the examples of Spawners I have seen, none of them spawn terrains (or, in the case I am imagining for interiors or plots of land, a smaller unit of "ground" or "floor").  Is that because the ground or terrain is essential to the functionality of Spawners, so they can't be spawned before a Spawner?  Or am I misunderstanding the logic?

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I am also curious if Spawners could spawn river lengths (think of an endless floating down the river game).

Its not a terrain, but is a series of operations on the terrain.

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Spawner can spawn on Unity terrains or meshes, and on Unity terrains the 'Terrain Decorator' has the ability to shape the terrain much like a stamper does in Gaia.

However, GeNa can not currently create the terrains themselves.... well technically it can but it's not released yet.

Here is an early video of the next major evolution for GeNa. Design time and runtime mesh based terrain generation, done in a non destructive way.

And here are some links to our new terrain shader research:


We will launch these in the first quarter of 2022. Pro & Studio subscribers will be able to play with it via our Early Access system.

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6 minutes ago, adamhill said:

I am also curious if Spawners could spawn river lengths (think of an endless floating down the river game).

Its not a terrain, but is a series of operations on the terrain.

GeNa is being built so that all operations are API controllable.. so this should be feasible as it evolves.

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8 hours ago, adamhill said:

I was also wondering - what is the Extrusion extension going to be used for? Are there any video demos?

when I was playing with the not-new version of it my first though was "great wall of china'" 😄 But the new version... what couldnt you do ? because its shaped you could use it to do military trenches, walls, underground/semiburied pipelines, etc. etc. It's more like a procedural spline tool lofting a shape so if you wanted a pipeline instead of having to model and bend it you can use the extrusion to make the pipe itself then use the same spline to spawn supports of other features along it - unless im wrong, but im pretty sure that's the way.

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9 hours ago, adamhill said:

I was also wondering - what is the Extrusion extension going to be used for? Are there any video demos?

All sorts of things. Tunnels, caves, walls, bridges, pipelines, barriers, footpaths etc etc... it is still in development, but is already a crazy powerful system.

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