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Problem with Desert Biome and Unity 2021

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I recently purchased the Deep Desert Biome off the Unity Store, but it doesn't seem to work with Unity 2021.3.0f1 (LTS).

Upon loading a demo scene ( Gaia_Demo_Builtin ), I get the error, Prefab instance problem: Gaia UI (Missing Prefab with guid: c22749c16bfe8aa428f5e54cf7cc6505)

Along with this, the shaders do not load correctly, and selecting a prefab alerts me of a script error (screen shot included.)

If there's any advice on how to fix this problem, please let me know.


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For me, this problem was from my project getting switched over to the Standard Render Pipeline.

If you run the Gaia manager, the Configure world tab will flag you with a button to enable the HDRP.

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Hi SyTuck,

If we are talking about Gaia Tools -> Session Manager, I don't have that option.  In the inspector, it says the script is missing (Associated script can not be loaded.  Please fix any compile errors and assign a valid script.) 

I also don't want to use HDRP with this asset, I'd rather stick with URP or Standard.

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@jacobAD Hi, this seems to be a mixture of issues - The deep desert biome had an issue until recently where the materials that were included were configured for Gaia to be present in the project - this has been fixed. To make sure you got the latest version of the package, please check if the materials included in the pack under

Assets\Procedural Worlds\Content Packs\Deep Desert\Content Resources\Materials


use the Unity Standard shader. I assume in your project you got "Hidden\Error Shader" instead - if that is the case, please update to the newest version of the package (you should be able to update via the package manager and import over the existing installation)

That is one part of the issue - it also seems that you do not have Gaia in the project - this alone is no issue, but you would require Gaia to properly open the "Gaia_Demo_BuiltIn" demo scene - this scene was made using Gaia and uses a skybox shader and post processing settings etc. that come with Gaia. 
The two other Demo scenes that were made without the use of Gaia and you should be able to view them without issues after updating to the latest version of the package.

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I've uploaded the package and that seems to fix the shaders.  I don't have Gaia so the missing GUID problem persists, but that looks like a clear solution.

Thanks for the response and update to the package!

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