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Strange visual artefact with Gaia Pro on terrain texture


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Hi, one of my terrain textures has this weird anomaly, and I can't get it to disappear. Does anyone have an idea what this could be?

System: M1 MacBook

Gaia version: 3.2.2

Unity version: 2021.3.0f

Render pipeline: built-in




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Hi @vdeijk Could you please highlight / describe what the anomaly is? It is a bit difficult to tell for us since we have not seen your game before and do not know what we should look at. If it is the "glossiness" of the terrain, that is most likely the smoothness value for that texture in the terrain shader. 

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Hi Peter, I totally get it. There is a screenshot in the link I provided that shows the exact problem. The two layers of terrain textures don't blend well. You can see many glossy, dark spots over the texture. I guess it is a little tricky to tell, as the problem is more noticeable in motion.

I've experimented with a ton of different values and smoothness does not solve it. It seems more of a blending issue.

It may be splatmap-related, I guess? I don't know much about those yet, but I've gathered they help with blending textures.




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After a bit more digging, I found a solution. Decreasing my texture tile size (from 32 to 16) helped, but more importantly, I changed Environment Reflections from Custom to Skybox. That solved it. 



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