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Scene Optimizer

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Hi there i bought scene optimizer yesterday , when i apply it to my scene i feel it makes it even worse? like what i am doing wrong ? My scenes before had animations moving characters etc. i removed them all out of the Original Folder, left there just buildings that didn't need to be moved etc, made them static as well.. after optimization m in the most packed area i have 39 FPS. before that i hade 80-90. Like what i did wrong any suggestions ? 

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I have the same pb. Using synty assets (street racer) I do everything like in the video tutorial and sometime I obtain with a smaller frame rate and more Tris. 

btw, my project is for a VR platform.


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I have same problem too!, I used it on the demo of the Polygon War asset of Synty Studio. But it doesn't make any sense to improve fps. 

Problem: Scene Optimier could't improve fps of the demo of Synty Studio's Polygon War asset. 

Target Platform: android

Render Pipeline: URP

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3 hours ago, flashwind said:

I have same problem too!, I used it on the demo of the Polygon War asset of Synty Studio. But it doesn't make any sense to improve fps. 

Problem: Scene Optimier could't improve fps of the demo of Synty Studio's Polygon War asset. 

Target Platform: android

Render Pipeline: URP

It works !? But I don't know why it could work after I open the project for the second time.

Below is what I did:

I create a new project with Built-in render pipeline. Then I import the PolygonWar asset and SceneOptimizer. It works on demo.

Then I create another project with URP render pipeline and import the asset above again. It also works.

Finally I open my game project which scene optimizer doesn't work on again. Now it works. So odd that I even don't know why.

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On 5/9/2022 at 7:54 AM, Manny said:

Hey @flashwind,

Hopefully I can help shed some light on the situation with a few tests I just ran to ensure everything's working fine in the latest version of the Scene Optimizer (v1.0.6). Please ensure that you have the latest version because there have been a few stability improvements to the tool to ensure things like this happen. 

In the tests I ran, I used Unity 2020.3.19f1 (I wasn't sure what version of Unity you're using), along with Android as my target platform and URP as my render pipeline. 


The above image shows the framerate I achieved with Synty Studio's Polygon War assets in their demo scene where I placed all of the entities inside of a root GameObject I called 'Original'. 

As you can see, when I switched to an Optimized version of the scene, I'm achieving roughly 500FPS which is an improvement of 103% in performance. 

Could you please provide me with the following information so I can better assist you?

  1. What version of Unity are you using?
  2. A screen shot of your scene including your hierarchy.
  3. Version of the Scene Optimizer you are using (Note: this can be found at the top of the Scene Optimizer window).


My Unity Version:  2021.2.11f1c1

SceneOptimizer Version And Hierarchy are show in below:




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3 minutes ago, flashwind said:

My Unity Version:  2021.2.11f1c1

SceneOptimizer Version And Hierarchy are show in below:




Then I restart the Unity and Get result below:




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  • Solution
On 5/13/2022 at 9:31 PM, flashwind said:

Then I restart the Unity and Get result below:




With the image with the bad performance you have the object seleved in the hierarchy, and since you have the game and scene view open unity is having to draw all those collision gizmos while also running the application which will greatly slow your overall FPS. Noticed when you restarted the editor you don't have these objects selected. This could be why you got bad FPS. When testing your game in editor make sure you enever have anything selected in the hierarchy.

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