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Gena Roads Shader Not Appearing

Go to solution Solved by Isaac,

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GeNa roads don't appear at runtime. Even when I generate the built-in Gaia players like Flying Camera everything else is as it should but all my GeNa roads are missing.

I created a world with multiple terrains and a sprawling road network. I baked the roads with the split mesh at terrain option but that didn't solve it. If I swap the GeNa road shader for any other the roads appear again which suggests an issue with the shader but when I try similar setups in different projects I have no problems seeing the road. I've tried everything I can think of and I've had no success. Any help is appreciated.

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18 hours ago, turbosympatique said:

Thanks for the reply.

I'm running Gaia Pro 3.1.1, GeNa Pro 3.3.10 and Unity 2020.3.14f.

Can you please try to upgrade to the latest GeNa Pro? 
The latest is 3.3.17

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Hi @turbosympatique,

When making the roads are there any parameters in the road profile that you play around with? Just wondering if a certain value may make it disappear. 

And just to clarify, do the roads appear in the editor but not in play mode? 

Here are a couple of questions that might us debug the issue:

Does the road materal look any different to the settings shown here?


Does your main camera have any custom culling mask settings on it? And if so, is the road mesh set to a layer other than PW_Object_Large?


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I should probably have mentioned earlier that my project uses URP. Sorry, for the oversight.

The roads show up perfectly in the editor and disappear only in play mode. I can confirm that the baked road mesh game objects are being loaded in the scene along with their parented terrain but they are not visible.

It's definitely not a camera culling mask issue. Everything is enabled there and the road meshes are on the PW_object_large layer.

For the road settings, I'm really only adjusting the width of the road and the size of the intersections. 


Where it gets weird is I tried to compare my settings to the ones you posted in your screenshot but... I don't have those options? Am I looking in the wrong place? Mine looks like this:


Thanks for your help.

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Thanks for the information @turbosympatique!

I have been able to successfully reproduce this issue on my end.

Can you try enabling the Depth Texture in the Universal Pipeline Asset? (If you don't know which pipeline asset the project is using, you can navigate to it through Edit -> Project Settings -> Quality, or alternatively, Edit -> Project Settings -> Graphics)


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Thanks, Isaac. Unfortunately, this didn't resolve the issue.

Poking around, I noticed a number of errors in the roads shader import settings. Seems like a longshot but I'll try anything at this point...


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Thanks for update. 

Can you check your main game camera's depth texture settings?


Try switching this setting to 'On' instead of 'Use Pipeline Settings'


What graphics API does your project use as it's main target? This can be found under Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Other Settings. It might have 'Auto Graphics API for Windows / Linus / Mac' checked.

Here is a version of the road shader without the advanced blending, which is where I assume the issue if stemming from. If the camera settings didn't affect the road appearing, try replacing the shader with this package.


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Changing the depth texture on the camera to "ON" didn't work. I'd love to try the shader fix you linked but it tells me it's unavailable. Can you share it again?

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I created a new empty scene within the same project. I generated a quick new Gaia world using the world designer and plopped a short GeNa road on it. I created a runtime for the scene, hit play and the road appears as you would expect so it seems like the problem is specific to my large, multi-terrain scene with the sprawling road network. I just don't know what could be causing everything except the roads to show up. 

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Thanks for all your efforts on this. In the end I abandoned the GeNa_Road_LitBasic_URP material in favor of the simpler GeNa_URP_Road_Material. It doesn't look quite as good but it's close enough. As for why GeNa_Road_LitBasic_URP worked in other test scenes but not in the main one... this will remain a mystery!

Thanks again!

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Hello! I have same problem. Gaia Pro 3.2.2 GeNa Pro 3.3.17, Unity URP 2021.3.0f1 and i've tryed everything from this thread escept of attachments, those are unavailable.spacer.png

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Seems i've found the readon - it was Enviro, i've turned off all feachures in its Feature Controls tab, and the road become visible

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