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Gaia Corrupted Scene


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So we all know that Unity sometimes crashes. If happens. However, I'm repeatedly coming across an issue where Gaia terrain will break completely.

I just recently had this happen on a large map I spent a long time on. While it was spawning some vegetation it crashed. Now when you try to open that scene it takes 15 minutes. And if any script changes are made while in the scene, it causes Reload Scripting Assembly for upwards of 30 minutes.

The scene is all but unusable like that. I extracted the scene go a fresh project to see if I could save it and it happened again.

I then tried to use the Session Manager to rebuild it, and it errors.

So, now...I'm starting over again on this scene. I'm beginning to worry about using Gaia beyond generating terrain in a separate project.

Also I've tried a ton of solutions. I despawmed all the objects in the scene, deleted the spawner that caused the freeze. None of that has worked.

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23 hours ago, Bryan said:

I recommend that you clear your Unity cache after a crash this should help. 

I tried that and that didn't work either. In the end I had to spend a few hours (cause of the 20 minute reassembly) to just turn my scene into a prefab and dropped it in my new project.

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That is very interesting, I will take note of this and send it to the team. 
Normally, the scene shouldn't corrupt that bad due to a Unity crash. 

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