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Very large / very many terrains


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I have a couple of questions

1) Is it possible to generate a very large (let's say 50km square) procedural terrain (with textures and vegetation) in the editor, and then at game runtime just load a single 1km square as the "game level"?

2) Is it possible to create multiple but individual 1km square terrains in the editor, and load them in as separate instances (levels) at game run time? So for example, create 500 individual terrains and randomly select one at game start.

And if either of these are possible, what are the challenges/drawbacks?

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4 hours ago, Bugs1012 said:

1) Is it possible to generate a very large (let's say 50km square) procedural terrain (with textures and vegetation) in the editor, and then at game runtime just load a single 1km square as the "game level"?

Yes this is possible, but you would want to do this with terrain loading. 
You would need to create a custom world through the Gaia manager- and enable terrain streaming. 
Create Terrain Scenes, Unload terrain scenes. 


You would then need to change the terrain loader to your needs. 

Just note that this is not procedural generation each time no. This is editor design time only. 
Runtime spawning is not possible with Gaia Pro 2021 at this time. 

GeNa Pro might have something in the future to do this. 

This will be different scenes yes, but it will not have the random effect that you are looking for you would need to build a script to do this. 

Hopefully this gets you on the right path. 


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