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Spawning - texture map, decorators, visualize


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Hello guys. I am really struggling with Biome spawning. This is related to both Gaia and Gena

First. If I want to spawn grass packs in Unity HDRP with Gaia, they do not conform the slopes. Is there any option like Gena uses decorators for this? I can not see that. Would be good to either have the possibility to use Gena Decorators when spawning by Gaia or add some masking options to Gena (see picture). What I do miss in Gena is Collision mask - spawn near another objects etc.


Second. If I then decide to spawn grass via Gena instead of Gaia I encounter another problem. I can not use Texture masking. When I enable Texture mask (Check Textures box) I can not spawn anymore. If I click either L Shift + LMB (to visualize) or L Ctrl + LMB (to spawn) I only change the texture that is used to check the spawn. But I can not see the visualize nor I can spawn. I only change the texture based on where I click. And also when I use the Check Texture in general settings I am unable to change the texture criteria in Criteria overrides settings for individual prefabs. I just can not click on the box. Nothing happens despite Enables is checked. I don't know where I can go wrong. Only steps I do is checking the boxes and clicking visualize or spawn, nothing else. But it is not working at all.

And in addition the Check slope is also adjusting based on where I click with L Shift + LMB, not able to visualize the spawning when using slope check, because it automatically adjust that settings based on what slope I click with this.

Can you please have a look at this if I do something wrong or is there really some mistake in the code?

2022-03-16 20_45_09-Pagan Grounds_v1 - PolanaSmallMap - Windows, Mac, Linux - Unity 2021.2.15f1 Pers.png

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9 hours ago, Manny said:

Hi there @SwenSVK!

I can definitely assist with your issues here. 🙂 Let's start by saying, I think to address your first problem, you could try attaching a GeNaTransformDecorator to the GameObject that houses the grass prefab you're trying to spawn. And you can get it to and Conform To Slope.

For your second issue, could you try adding a GeNaSpawnCriteriaDecorator to the GameObject you want to spawn and see if the Check Textures part works.

1. The Gena transfrorm decorator does not affect grass (or other gameObjects) when spawned as Terrain Details using either Gaia or Terrain Tools in Unity. Right? So I can not use this since I would have tousands of grass gameobjects in scene using Gena.


2. I will try this Decorator by my initial problem is that I can not use the main criteria for slopes or textures. No matter what I do it keeps changing the texture is should be masking - when I click L Shift + LMB to visualize, it changes the slope and texture terrain based on where I clicked with mouse. The same happens when I click with L CTRL + LMB to spawn. No spawn happens, it just adjusts the setting for texture and slope mask based on where did I clicked with mouse.

Can you check this?
Using Unity 2021.2.15, HDRP 12+, GeNa Pro.

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  • 4 months later...

@Manny I am experiencing the same thing as describen #2. This unfortunately makes GeNa unusable for me, so it would be nice to have it adressed. I have tried to do runtime spawning too, and it cannot output anything. The only way i can get any spawn is if i set Texture Strength to < 0.500 - and then it just ignoes texture masking. Please let me know if I can provide any additional info.

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  • 1 year later...

Im having same issues. Anyone solved this?

When I enable "Check Textures" and do shift click it does not show the green circles anymore.
on shift click  the "Texture" slot changes to the texture clicked.

Using gena 3.5.5.
URP 2022

Thank you,

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
On 12/15/2023 at 3:09 AM, Bryan said:

Hello, I was able to get it working in that version with 3.5.5 

Ask if he has Shift+Clicked onto the Terrain before changing any settings

Looks like its taking some other map of the terrain... not sure how to debug this one.

On new terrains its working fine. This one was done some time ago and is using Microsplat.

Video: https://streamable.com/8fddcj


I kindly ask for support


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yeah, I literally posted the same issue just before you, except I am first generating a random terrain map and then spawning trees and other objects on it in runtime, and it either does not spawn any trees /grass /flowers and so on or spawns it everywhere ignoring texture range and strength 😞 ... I have no clue how to fix this either ...

it makes GeNa also unusable for me too ...



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17 minutes ago, Berir said:

yeah, I literally posted the same issue just before you, except I am first generating a random terrain map and then spawning trees and other objects on it in runtime, and it either does not spawn any trees /grass /flowers and so on or spawns it everywhere ignoring texture range and strength 😞 ... I have no clue how to fix this either ...

it makes GeNa also unusable for me too ...



you use microsplat also and have strange shift+click green sphere locations?

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No In my case spawn on texture just does not work, and I need grass and trees not to spawn on a path texture


also throw distance does not either work or show... in video, it shows the green dots around trees removed

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