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Sequences auto play?

Go to solution Solved by Guidos,

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Hi there, I have selected a sequence to play globally within the Ambience Manager that is attached to my main camera. In the sequence there are five audio files (BGM Nature).

In runtime the first audio file starts automatically. 

However at the end of the audio file being played, it begins again. I was assuming that since there are five audio files there the system would automatically begin to play the next audio file .

Ive not seen anything yet in the pdf manual to suggest anything needs to be set explicitly to enable all audio files to play sequentially so Im confused. 

Can anyone help?


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It seems Im mistaken, all is working fine and each audio file is playing in order as set up in the sequence. 


Edit: I still have this as a problem but have put a small audio file at the start that repeats twice before the rest of the sequence audio files play. 

Edited by Guidos
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