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Gaia 3.2.1 - Scanner/Stamper issue

Go to solution Solved by Bryan,

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Hey guys! I bought Gaia less than 2 months ago, so I'm pretty new to it. When I bought it, I was in Gaia 3.1.3 and I was using the scanner to make an image of the heightmap I was creating in Photoshop, so I can then use it with the Stamper to make islands, the environment, etc. I had no issues with the Scanner nor the Stamper in that version. However, I recently updated Gaia to 3.2.1, and I'm noticing that the preview the Scanner tool provides looks similar to the heightmap I'm creating, but when I switch to the Stamper tool, the terrain height looks different from what I did. I'm not sure if there's a setting with the heightmap texture I created that I have to tweak something or if I'm doing it wrong. Any advice or suggestion is greatly appreciated!


This is the heightmap PNG image I'm creating in Photoshop:



Here's the Scanner preview I'm seeing after inserting the heightmap texture PNG I create in Photoshop (the Stamper should look like this):



This is how it looks in the Stamper:



Settings of the scanned heightmap texture Gaia creates:


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  • 1 month later...

Hey, i have tried to do like in video for real world heightmap. but when i download the raw / png from this site its just give me some blank straight level plane with the raw file, and some weird thing with png.

any suggestions? 

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16 hours ago, DekelElz said:

Hey, i have tried to do like in video for real world heightmap. but when i download the raw / png from this site its just give me some blank straight level plane with the raw file, and some weird thing with png.

any suggestions? 

Can you send me a screen shot of what this looks like? 


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  • 9 months later...

Hi @Bryan, sorry for reviving this outdated thread, but i need to bring you a request which is related to this topic.

I want to get a real terrain that allows me to change the google texture with the Gaia shader.


I've been using Real World Terrain for years and used the Relief Terrain shader and everything pretty much worked. I decided to upgrade my system and switch to HDRP render pipeline.
Relief Terrain does not support these updates.
An excellent opportunity to test Gaia!


Keeping the terrain build using RWT, do you think it's possible to change the shader closer to being able to see the Gaia one? It would be great if we could have the trees and the grass and the rest as well, but it's not essential at the moment.


Do you have any idea?

Thanks a lot for your attention

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4 hours ago, Loryer said:

Hi @Bryan, sorry for reviving this outdated thread, but i need to bring you a request which is related to this topic.

I want to get a real terrain that allows me to change the google texture with the Gaia shader.


I've been using Real World Terrain for years and used the Relief Terrain shader and everything pretty much worked. I decided to upgrade my system and switch to HDRP render pipeline.
Relief Terrain does not support these updates.
An excellent opportunity to test Gaia!


Keeping the terrain build using RWT, do you think it's possible to change the shader closer to being able to see the Gaia one? It would be great if we could have the trees and the grass and the rest as well, but it's not essential at the moment.


Do you have any idea?

Thanks a lot for your attention

There is a few things you can do about this. 

Recently trying to play with this myself, I ended up making the terrain through RWT and then after creating it used Gaia. 
I use the terrain scanner tool to scan the RWT tile and then turned that into a .exr heightmap file. 
Then I created a new scene and went with the manual with Stamper route. 
Made the terrain and then you are free to continue. 

As you also may notice, Unity does not support HDRP grass. 
So we have made the Flora system that is included in the Gaia Pro and Gaia Pro 2021 packages. 
This can be used to have your grass details and its instance indirect. 

Hopefully this helps you. 

As for a terrain shader we do have our own as well called GTS. 

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Thanks for the reply Brian!



I'm new to Gaia so the workflow you describe is so and so clear 🤪.

What I can add is that I need to create very large terrains even 200Kmx200Km and at the moment, testing with the dem downloaded on sites like https://terrain.party/ and loaded as heightmap inside the Gaia stamp, I can't achieve.

I need a large amount of tiles to avoid losing heightmap quality and RWT is perfect for this purpose.


Follow the link below you can see a video of what I was able to achieve with RWT+RTP. As you can see I have transition between real texture (google map) and RTP shader absolutely perfect.

What I would like to get is this.

If Gaia is not the right tool I can buy GTS which seems to be incredible, but I have to try to achieve as close as possible to this result.

(or if you can add a few lines of code to create a fade between the two systems)




Thank you

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An other question Brian.


I'm trying to follow the workflow you indicated previously.

- I create the RWT terrain

- I create a scanner

- Drag the terrain tiles one at a time from the scene into the "drop Objects here to scan" field and click on Save scan

  --- so far so good, no errors ---

- I create a new scene

- I create a Stamper object

  --- Boom errors appeare ---

- Inside "stamp image" I navigate until I find the splats I saved earlier

- Nothing happens


Unity writes this errors:


transform.localScale assign attempt for 'Stamper' is not valid. Input localScale is { 100.000000, NaN, 100.000000 }.
UnityEngine.Transform:set_localScale (UnityEngine.Vector3)
Gaia.Stamper:FitToAllTerrains (bool) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/StampingSystem/Stamper.cs:1566)
Gaia.GaiaManagerEditor:ShowStamper (System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Gaia.Spawner>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Gaia.BiomeSpawnerListEntry>) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/GaiaManagerEditor.cs:4684)
Gaia.GaiaManagerEditor:AdvancedPanelTools (bool) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/GaiaManagerEditor.cs:3303)
PWCommon5.EditorUtils:Panel (UnityEngine.GUIContent,string,System.Action`1<bool>,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,bool,bool,bool,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])
PWCommon5.EditorUtils:Panel (UnityEngine.GUIContent,string,System.Action`1<bool>,bool,bool,bool,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])
PWCommon5.EditorUtils:Panel (string,System.Action`1<bool>,bool,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])
Gaia.GaiaManagerEditor:AdvancedTab () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/GaiaManagerEditor.cs:3110)
PWCommon5.EditorUtils:Tabs (PWCommon5.TabSet,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])
Gaia.GaiaManagerEditor:OnGUI () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/GaiaManagerEditor.cs:3809)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)


Material 'GaiaScannerMaterial' with Shader 'HDRP/Lit' doesn't have a texture property '_BaseMap'
UnityEngine.Material:GetTexture (string)
Gaia.ScannerEditor:UpdateMaterial () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/ScannerEditor.cs:402)
Gaia.ScannerEditor:OnEnable () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/ScannerEditor.cs:49)


Can you help me? Am I doing something wrong?

Sorry 😭

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When you create a new scene, have you tried. 
Window - Procedural Worlds - Gaia - Show Gaia Manager. 
Then in the Create World selected manual with stamper route? 
Also have you adjusted the Gaia to match HDRP? 
In the setup tab of the gaia manager, you need to change the render pipeline to HDRP and add Shaders. 


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The size of the rwt could be the issue here.
From the looks of the error this seems to be the issue. 

Have you tried the other route of mine Importing real world terrains? 

This might be the way to go or just go with RWT. 
However, getting the satellite images could be applied to this as well. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @Bryan, sorry for reviving this outdated thread, but I need to bring you a request that is related to this thread.

I have been trying to generate real world stamp from topographical satellite images. But the results are not true to reality, very polygonal and distorted. 

The process I am doing is represented in this video: 

I have already generated high-resolution images using geoprocessing software to make the Stamp, but even so the result is not satisfactory.

How can I get the quality of the standard Stamps that come with the GAIA asset?

Any information is welcome


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NOTE: 1. When scanning images to use as stamps, the quality of the image makes a big difference. All JPG's and most PNG files are only 8 bits per channel. When this gets converted to a stamp this means that you can only represent 256 possible height values, and the resulting stamp may appear terraced. You can address this by smoothing the terrain after stamping, but if possible use 16 bit textures as the resulting stamp will of better quality. RAW16 is better texture format to use. 2. Image compression will also cause artefacts in the resulting stamps. If possible, please ensure that your source image is not compressed, and regardless, make sure that you disable compression on the texture in Unity before you use the scanner to convert it into a stamp. Make sure you disable the sRGB setting on the texture so that it is imported purely as data. 3. Terrain scale is important. These heightmaps represent quite large areas, so in order to get a more realistic scale make your terrain 4 or 8km sq, and increase the Y scale as shown in the video. This is the type of scenario when streaming is important as well, so in Gaia Pro, make your terrain tiles around 512m sq, and enable separate scenes and streaming. 4. You can also use these stamps as the base for much larger environments using the world designer. To do this use the world designer, and then select Image as the Shape Input Type, and then your new stamp in the World Shape section. You can add more detail or not as you choose.

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