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Technical Tutorials


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I wish there was tutorial and "in depth" about these things :

- Floating point components and why and how it works.

- Terrain Streaming 

- How to get an object to load together with the terrain 

-  A simple show off on how to make something real with your tech. 

And everything a developer don't think about . Runtime object when using terrain streaming , what happends if you run back to a terrain tile , is the object there ? Well ofc because it's loaded in again , would be nice to get some hints but it's not many things on these stuff.

Everyone can make a pretty terrain and uses spawners ,  but I don't see anyone actually making a game that uses complicated things like floating point fixes and streaming.. And I have tried them and don't use the floating point fix because it's not working as intended in my case. Try it yourself guys. It's jumpy and weird.

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