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Error on start up

Go to solution Solved by Peter,

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I have got this error when I open my project or when I press play buttom. It seems it is slowing down the whole workflow. All the time ive got message "Hold on .... (busy for [time]). Importing assets" (or "Loading terrain ... (busy for...)") and it can stays there for couple of minutes but doesnt seem that anything is importing. Then its just goes off.

Using GeNaPro up to date, Unity 2021.2.7f1.

I have got only one Gena Spawner in the game

InvalidOperationException: EnsureRunningOnMainThread can only be called from the main thread
UnityEngine.Object.EnsureRunningOnMainThread () (at <ad50157ee00e45cdb3c8bd67012f8804>:0)
UnityEngine.Object.GetInstanceID () (at <ad50157ee00e45cdb3c8bd67012f8804>:0)
UnityEngine.Object.IsNativeObjectAlive (UnityEngine.Object o) (at <ad50157ee00e45cdb3c8bd67012f8804>:0)
UnityEngine.Object.CompareBaseObjects (UnityEngine.Object lhs, UnityEngine.Object rhs) (at <ad50157ee00e45cdb3c8bd67012f8804>:0)
UnityEngine.Object.op_Equality (UnityEngine.Object x, UnityEngine.Object y) (at <ad50157ee00e45cdb3c8bd67012f8804>:0)
UnityEngine.Object.Equals (System.Object other) (at <ad50157ee00e45cdb3c8bd67012f8804>:0)
System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1[T].Equals (T x, T y) (at <31c0f51ac5a24a22ba784db24f4ba023>:0)
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) (at <31c0f51ac5a24a22ba784db24f4ba023>:0)
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) (at <31c0f51ac5a24a22ba784db24f4ba023>:0)
GeNa.Core.GeNaManager.Dispose () (at <4b897aaebe704301be127fb1ea57a331>:0)
GeNa.Core.GeNaManager.OnAfterDeserialize () (at <4b897aaebe704301be127fb1ea57a331>:0)


Any idea?

Thank you

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The message looks like this. It is there since I quite Play mode. And I can not do shit in editor, it reverting any change I do there.
Fun stuff.

2022-02-20 18_02_59-PG_Game_v1_HDRP - TestScene - Windows, Mac, Linux - Unity 2021.2.7f1 Personal_ _.png

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Hi @SwenSVK, we will look into this! For clarification:

  • Do you have Gaia present in the project as well? (asking because the "Loading Terrain" looks like it would be coming out of Gaia's terrain loading)
  • When that progress bar is visible, can you still access things in the unity editor, such as moving the scene view camera, or accessing the menus in the unity editor? If you can still utilize the editor in general, it could be that it only displays the progress bar window, but is not actively doing anything at the moment. It should not arrive in this state to begin with of course, but this would at least allow you to continue working when it happens. You can get rid off the progress bar window by doing anything that brings up a progress bar, or by resetting the window layout (via the window menu in the editor)
  • Do you have the GeNa Manager window embedded somewhere in your editor window layout? If yes, could you please try to close it to see if that makes any difference?
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4 minutes ago, Peter said:

Hi @SwenSVK, we will look into this! For clarification:

  • Do you have Gaia present in the project as well? (asking because the "Loading Terrain" looks like it would be coming out of Gaia's terrain loading)
  • When that progress bar is visible, can you still access things in the unity editor, such as moving the scene view camera, or accessing the menus in the unity editor? If you can still utilize the editor in general, it could be that it only displays the progress bar window, but is not actively doing anything at the moment. It should not arrive in this state to begin with of course, but this would at least allow you to continue working when it happens. You can get rid off the progress bar window by doing anything that brings up a progress bar, or by resetting the window layout (via the window menu in the editor)
  • Do you have the GeNa Manager window embedded somewhere in your editor window layout? If yes, could you please try to close it to see if that makes any difference?

1. I have Gaia there as weel, terrain is created by Gaia in fact.

2. I can access the editor properties and windows but can not do anything there. E.g. when I move some asset or rename it says "the path doesnt not exist" and revert my changes. I need to restart the Unity to be able to continue working.

3. I dont have Gena Manager as windoes opened. Only as gameobject in hierarchy with Gena Spawner in there.

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Now its got followed by this error when I tried to save the scene after that previous error so I can savely restart unity:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Gaia.GaiaSessionManager.OnSceneSaved (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene) (at Assets/Tools/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/SessionSystem/GaiaSessionManager.cs:273)
UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.Internal_SceneSaved (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene) (at <0cde216a590a4d6fbc3d7db7ac203c5d>:0)

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Small update: The "importing assets" shows when I spawn assets via Gena spawner and then go to Runtime (Play mode). When I stop it and return to the Editor the Import assets bar pop up. When I open File (e.g. i want to save) the bar dissapears. But anyway - either if it is there or disseappers I can not do anything in the editor and I need to restart Unity.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/20/2022 at 8:08 PM, Peter said:

Hi @SwenSVK, we will look into this! For clarification:

  • Do you have Gaia present in the project as well? (asking because the "Loading Terrain" looks like it would be coming out of Gaia's terrain loading)
  • When that progress bar is visible, can you still access things in the unity editor, such as moving the scene view camera, or accessing the menus in the unity editor? If you can still utilize the editor in general, it could be that it only displays the progress bar window, but is not actively doing anything at the moment. It should not arrive in this state to begin with of course, but this would at least allow you to continue working when it happens. You can get rid off the progress bar window by doing anything that brings up a progress bar, or by resetting the window layout (via the window menu in the editor)
  • Do you have the GeNa Manager window embedded somewhere in your editor window layout? If yes, could you please try to close it to see if that makes any difference?

Hello Peter, any update on this? Still happening after every Gena spawn I do. 

2022-03-08 21_27_13-Trying Out Elden Ring for the First Time _ Is it Really that Good_ - YouTube.png

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@SwenSVK We have been looking into this over the past few days and it seems this is an issue in the newer 2021.2 versions of Unity & we were able to fix it by changing the way the spawner palette is being created. We will release an update to fix this in the coming days.

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11 hours ago, Manny said:

Hi there @SwenSVK,

I have added a fix to GeNa that should prevent this from happening. I've tested it in multiple newer patches of the latest Unity version and it hasn't done that import error anymore. The new version upcoming version of GeNa (3.3.17) is on it's way and we'll keep you posted here once it's uploaded!

Great to hear! Thank you guys for the hard work! 🙂

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  • Solution

@SwenSVK The new version is available now on Canopy and the asset store. This version will not show the issue anymore that you reported initially.

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15 hours ago, Peter said:

@SwenSVK The new version is available now on Canopy and the asset store. This version will not show the issue anymore that you reported initially.

Thank you very much for the solution and update in this threat :))

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