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-_- Directional lights cannot light GTS terrain except at a very narrow range of angles


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Finally got through the other problems I was having, terrain looks GREAT, go to adjust the directional light aaaand... oh, it's completely fkd.


Here is what terrain looks like with GTS shader.




Here it is with the default terrain shader.



I own almost every single one of your products (and I love them!), and have never had this much difficulty right out of the gate. It's especially frustrating because GTS seems so slick but I just can't understand why such simple things are stopping me up. Please help!

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It appears this is also scene specific... if I make a new scene with GTS terrain the problem is not present 😔

Seems like there's a lot of ways for GTS to become bricked within the context of a single scene 😔

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Hmm, okay. It wasn't scene specific, it was SESSION specific.

When I went back to the scene in these GIFs the problem is now gone... 😑

Still a bug, obviously, but at least I found a workaround 🤔

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Hold on, this is deeper than I thought. I definitely restarted the editor completely when trying to fix this. I think something got bricked about the specific profile I was using, because that was the only thing that changed going back to the old scene--it was a new profile.

Hope that helps you guys figure this one out 🤔🤔

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Hi @neurodr0me,

A potential reason for why the shading might be off could be due to a missing World Normal Map in the GTS's material. Selecting the material from the Terrain's Material slot and checking whether it has assigned a world normal map texture may show if this is the issue:


The world normal map should be present in the same location as the rest of the GTS User Data for that terrain: image.png.9522ea418a3d44194a5ff9de0c3a2d28.png

If it is missing than hitting Regenerate Data should create it and populate that slot in the material: image.png.49a9ca8751885cd35777ce7de96c61c6.png

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