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Gaia Pro 2021 - 3.2.0-c5 (last update)

Mike P

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Curious, as I have not exactly looked behind the scenes into the code for this yet, but noticed there is a slight change in the loading screen upon completion of the terrains loading, you have to press escape to get the pause screen and answer no or press escape again (same as no) before the character spawns and the terrain loader is completed as well as the loading canvas is disabled.  Can you point me in the right direction of where this is hooked as it's not the preferred behavior, at least not for my development/test scenes....

At first I thought it was me as I had added some of my menus and logic for pre-spawn/game stuff.  I took them out and returned everything back to "out-of-the-box" gaia scene and behavior was same.  Additionally, I create an entirely new Gaia Scene just added 3rdPersonController to the runtime from the Gaia Manager and behavior was the same. Have to press escape and select no or press escape again in order for loader to complete and player to spawn or be functional

Thank you

Edited by Mike P
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