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Gena terrain texture - I want to control the rotation

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At runtime, I want to spawn some objects and the player will control the rotation (this will texture the terrain. I was thinking about using Gena Pro to achieve this easily but I can't manage to set the rotation of the object via code. Any suggestion on how to achieve this?



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Thank you!

Yes I saw the video and the demo, what particular in my situation is that I have a saving system and I wanted to implement a solution that doesn't require to save all the terrain's texture. Since I place a GameObject (this will be the texture spawner) and that this gameObject's transform is saved, I was thinking about using it data for the placement/rotation and then paint the terrain on Start() when the player load the game.

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17 hours ago, Manny said:

Hi @Mick129!

It is indeed possible to control the rotation of the Spawns you make with GeNa at runtime!
The solution is to get a reference to the Spawner Data at runtime and change the Rotation Y before spawning.

I don't know if you've seen this yet, but we actually have a demo of how to use the Spawner Data system in the following directory of GeNa: Procedural Worlds > GeNa > Asset Samples > Script Examples > GeNaRuntimeExample.cs

There is a function that demonstrates the modification of the Spawner Data between spawns:

It may look a bit complicated but that's only due to the fact that GeNa does so much and there's a lot of configurations that can be made. So it's necessary to modify it this way. That being said, there are a few ways to modify orientation of spawns. 

The first is to modify the 'data.RotationY' value which controls the orientation of root prototypes.
The other is to set the Placement Criteria's Rotation Algorithm to 'Fixed' and set both Min + Max to the rotation you want.
A demo of these can be found here:

Good luck and let me know if this helped in any way! 😁

So indeed I missed the Save and load part, thanks for that and the code made sense to me.
One thing that I am not sure to understand is why the result is clamped between -1 and 1?

You can see in the video above, I am supposed to use the gameObject's Y rotation as the min/max value (the result is the same with the commenter code) and at runtime you can see a slight different when I rotate but not more. I feel like I am close, but not there yet 🙂

In the video below you can see a small change on the second 7.


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  • Solution

The last video made me think about the rotation which reminded me of eulerAngles.y.

Here the solution in case it can help someone else!

Thanks again for leading me to the right direction :).



Edited by Mick129
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