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Create Gaia world with multiple biomes

Go to solution Solved by Bryan,

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Hello again! A follow on question from the one I raised earlier this week.

Is there a feature of Gaia that allows me to create a game world made up of multiple biomes? I had an idea to create a new world, "Custom" terrain size, with 2x2 1kmsq terrain tiles. What I'd hoped is that the World Designer would allow me to apply different terrain stampers, and then biome spawners, to each of the tiles. That doesn't quite seem to be the case.

Is there an "easy" way to achieve this in Gaia?

If it's any help, I also have GeNa Pro.


  • Unity 2021.2.7f1
  • HDRP 12.1.2
  • Gaia Pro 2021 3.1.4
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Thanks for the swift response! 

I don't see how that gives me what I'm after, though. How do I apply certain biomes to specific terrain tiles? There's not a lot of detail in that document as to how to go about this.

I see this in the Biome spawner:


But what does that mean? What is, and where do I define, "the range of this biome controller"?



Edited by mroshaw
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I've made some more progress on this, but not quite there!

I select "Local" area, and set the transform to 512 x 512, which highlights a quarter of my map. I then spawn my biome, and it initially looks to be spawning only with those bounds.

However, after generating the run-time and looking closer, it looks like a number of spawners have applied themselves to the whole terrain - trees, specifically, are all over the entire map.

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You can potentially use a image mask in your biome global mask rules.... Its really easy to paint in where you want your biomes at and how they will blend. Try that and see if it helps your progress =).


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But what if I want to generate world divided by areas and each area can have multiple biomes. For example, I want to set north region - is only "X > 5000" and in north region should be 4 biomes. Taiga, arctik, ice mountains and taiga with other trees. Can I use automatic generation or I should use stampers by hand?

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