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Water is not visible in game mode


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This question may be a little simple, but I searched the whole forum and couldn't find a similar problem. When I remove Gaia Player and add a camera to the scene, the water does not appear in game mode.

I added the camera as a player in the PWS_Water_System script. I checked the culling mode of the camera. However, the result did not change, even now the water does not appear in the player I added via Gaia wizard.

By the way, everything looks as it should in the preview of the camera in scene mode.

Do you have any suggestions?

I'm using Gaia 2021 and Unity 2021.2.8f1

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4 hours ago, Bahadir said:

This question may be a little simple, but I searched the whole forum and couldn't find a similar problem. When I remove Gaia Player and add a camera to the scene, the water does not appear in game mode.

I added the camera as a player in the PWS_Water_System script. I checked the culling mode of the camera. However, the result did not change, even now the water does not appear in the player I added via Gaia wizard.

By the way, everything looks as it should in the preview of the camera in scene mode.

Do you have any suggestions?

I'm using Gaia 2021 and Unity 2021.2.8f1

You would want to use the Gaia Custom Player. 
You can leave the player and camera blank and it should pick them up automatically. 

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15 hours ago, Bryan said:

You would want to use the Gaia Custom Player. 
You can leave the player and camera blank and it should pick them up automatically. 

I do it this way too, but nothing changes. However, I discovered a detail, this situation is specific to windows only. When the same project is on a mac, water appears, when I clone it to windows and open it with unity, water does not appear on the same camera this time.


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Hi @Bahadir, here are some ideas / investigations for debugging:
1. When you unfold the Gaia Water object in the hierarchy, can you see anything unusual during runtime, such as the water surface being disabled, or any components on there being disabled, material or mesh disappearing?
2. When you go under the water surface, do the water effects still kick in?
3. When you
 - create a new material in the asset hierarchy,
 - select the same water shader for this material as being used on the water surface object,
 - and then copy the material properties over to the new material, is this material being renderered correctly when you apply it to a simple cube in the scene?
4. When you create a new scene with all the default settings and add water to it, does this water still display during runtime?

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