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Difference between suspend and cancel on my subscription

Bil Simser

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Hey Bil,

According to the forum developers "A cancellation can be reinstated. A suspended item cannot and access to it is immediately removed.".

In general, we offer access to all of our assets on an honor system with subscriptions by charging a minimal monthly rate at a considerable discount over a year, and we have not front loaded it at all.

Our pro subscribers get over $1k worth of assets and this grows in value every month as we add more via the xChange. We expect that people will keep their subscription up to date as $39 per month is a pretty excellent deal, and more practically, the only way we can continue to offer a service like this is if the community supports us in return, so it is a leap of faith for everyone.

That said, we also appreciate that not everyone can afford this, so even if they cancel their subscription, this is a great way to get in and get started for a very minimal outlay, and we want to encourage everyone to do well and grow their skills!

What happens when you exit your subscription is that you get to keep and use your downloads, and can still browse the forums, however you will no longer get access to updates or support. You should be able to re-enable it at any time.

Warm regards,

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