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Ran into a little issue with adding spawner assets to my scene hierarchy


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Hey guys so I just got started working with Gaia and GeNa and I did something on my current project, I'm not sure what, but everything was working perfectly and suddenly I can no longer add any of the prefabs to my scene hierarchy. Does anyone know what I may have done that would be causing this result or could point me towards where I could troubleshoot to find an answer?


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Hi @psychohacktive,

I'm sorry to hear you're encountering this issue. That certainly sounds odd, but there are a few ways we might try to troubleshoot it.

First off, I'd suggest you delete the GeNa folder and re-import the latest version. If that doesn't work, you might want to try deleting the Library folder and then re-importing your project. This action tends to remove any hitches that could be caused by other assets.

However, if these steps do not solve your problem, it would be very helpful if you could provide me with a bit more information to understand the situation better. If you could let me know:

  • Unity version?
  • Pipeline in use?
  • GeNa version?
  • Steps to reproduce the issue?
  • Short video clip showing the problem?

Thanks, and looking forward to your response!

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