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Suggestion for future GAIA 2022, 2023.


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One thing I hope one day to see is GAIA, being 100% non destructive. We have sessions, which are better than nothing.  But, having true, non destructive work flow.  So for example, for each stamp applied, it is applied, but having it where we still can move it later , and have control over each stamp. They are not static.  

So being able to have full control over this, would be great.  One day anyways. 


For me, it would complete, GAIA for me.   Non destructive work flow is a huge time saver, and adds to creativity.  Plus games are always getting DLC and adding content, this would help, for worlds that change.  


So if someone where to make a procedural or even non procedural map, where the world changes.   This would add to be able to do stuff like this more.   


By the looks of it Gena, is adding something like it with  Splines where we can do this.... 

So if that is the case, where we have total control over height maps with Gena.  Like i'm talking about, then disregard this all together.:) 

We would still need to be able to texture it in Gaia, if Gena is going to handle this.  I assume that will be the case?  



Edited by Recon
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