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Gaia 2021 - Half the screen is green when playing

Go to solution Solved by Peter,

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I've been playing around with Gaia 2021 for a few days and am having a great experience! I do have one strange issue. Every time I go to play the game using a first person player controller (provided by Gaia, which works well otherwise), this green area takes up about half my screen. The more I look down, the more my screen is green. The more I look up, the less green fills my screen. I don't see this in the FirstPersonCharacter preview. Not sure if this is Gaia-specific, but didn't see much about it and thought I'd pose the question. Also, I've tried loading a different player controller and it also has this green area. Also I've restarted my computer to no avail.

Thank you for any help!


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  • Solution

Hi, this is an issue / bug with the post processing volume components - it looks like you have Gizmos enabled in your game view in the top right corner, and the green box that you are seeing is the Gizmo of the underwater post processing volume.

You have multiple options here: Turn off Gizmos for the scene view altogether (The Gizmos dropdown looks is not "lit up" anymore, indicating it is switched off completely)


You can deactivate only the gizmos for post processing volumes:


You can turn off the visibility of the underwater FX in the scene hierarchy like so (the underwater effects will still work, but all gizmos etc. belonging to that Game Object will be hidden):


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